Full Version: My new horror movie bumper idea
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The Vagina Maker!

If you don't have a vagina, then you will soon! Snip, Snip, Slice, Stab!

"He cut off his ears and shoved them into his lower intestines claiming they were his new ovaries!" - Horrified Child Witness

He wants to give you a vagina...whether you want one or not!


The Vagina Maker!

*Musical Crecendo"

*bloody scissor shot*

I'm on antibiotics so my doo doo is really runny
Just me and my gang!

Jump on that train!

wood floor or Hitler moustache?
lions gate would probably make this. when i was on the school newspaper we'd get press releases about the worst movies from them. i think they have like 20 different leprechaun movies
Leprechaun in the hood was fuckin sweet
Yes it was
Yes it was
Yes it was
Yes it was
was it?
was it?
was it?
was it?
not a fan?