Full Version: Happy New Year
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I just wanted to wish you all here a happy new year.

Seriously, this is the most realistic message board I've ever posted on. I thought it was a board filled with nasty people from the stories about the place haha.. but I had it all wrong. You've put up with me even though my first thread here was about being banned from the DB. You don't ban people here and you allow people to speak their minds, there seems to be no power trips with the ones who run the place like elsewhere. Plus I get many laughs from you crack ups.
drink yourself into a coma and never wake up.
she doesn't drink. she sips!
The realism is just surreal.
I'll be here! Lush too!
happy new year snaps, I gotta give it up to snaps, she can take it.
Thank you Gonzo!
fuck you.
You don't mean it Goat.
after what happened with trish, hes taking a new approach towards attracting board ladies
yeah, we're not all cum slaps and rape jokes, ya know.