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I can not and will not trust any "normal" human being who actually swears off sex. They willingly take a fuckin vow not to be fucking. That is just demented in my eyes. No wonder they are raping and fondling every thing that moves, they are bursting at the fuckin seams!
But they wouldn't touch me!!!!!!!!!
Thats because you scared them with that devil tool of yours, the 13 inch hog. If I was a queer, I wouldn't catch for you, that would fuckin hurt.
I wish more people would start thinking like most of us...actually think for themselves about the truth of religion and the evils it causes. I hope this is the beginning of the end for the Catholic Church, and little by little its hypocrises will be realized...I cannot even begin to comprehend why people have wars and kill each over solely on the basis that they believe in different invisible men The men have fucked everything up, with the possiblity to destroy everything they have built...maybe it's time for the women to have a go at it {Big Grin}
That old GAG
No worries Sluggo, I'd touch you :fucking:
:firebounce: :hail: :firebounce:
See how quickly religion turns to sex...
It's like some unexplainable phenomenon...
Just go with it, Kid...
I'd touch you, too, Sluggypoo.

Spit-->[Image: ladysman.gif]<--Luna
Sluggo wins again!!11!! :firebounce: :firebounce: :firebounce:
As nice as that would be Spit, people will kill for their beliefs (as has been done time and time again). People will hate to admit that what they were taught, their entire belief structure is wrong. It would totally shatter their entire lives. And while we might say "good," not everyone is smart or capable of handling that.

You know, even though I'm an atheist, if people believe that a God does exist but don't follow any particular religion to worship him we would be a lot better off as a world.

Edited By IkeaBoy on April 13 2002 at 10:35
Jesus Christ Seph looks like a Backstreet Boy in that pwned pic.

And Ikea I think the closet thing to that belief is Deism.

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Edited By AdolescentMasturbator on April 13 2002 at 11:16
I am an agnostic...
I feel that there MAY be a higher power...
If there is, there is no way "it" would want people killing in "it's" name...
People have to realize that they need to be considerate of those around them, don't be a fucking jerkoff...
Don't DELIBERATELY try to hurt anyone, and, if there is a "Heaven" (for lack of a better word) they will see it.
i believe in one thing and one thing only.............myself.

damn, that doesn't say or mean much.
Well I know that but I'm saying that maybe if you needde a belief in a God deism is the way to go.
i personally beleive that all religion is <table style=filter:glow(color=burlywood)>bullshit</table>

but then again, that's just me and i'm a retard.
I simplify it to the point that religion is all bullshit by the means that it was not created by god or any diety whatever you wanna call it, GOD, jesus, buddah, vishnu, allah, whatever. Any book or writings, scriptures and stories that are the basis for these religions were written by regular men.

Who besides adam and eve could have been there for the creation of man? Who besides God could have been there when the earth and sun and stars were created. How could he create man before dinosaurs and even aomeba? Then again a recent study showed that 58% of people believe humans and dinosaurs lived in the same period. Bottom line is people are weak, gullable and just need fear to keep them in line. If God created the heavens the planets and the stars why not create life on other planets? And where did God come from? Did he just sudeenly appear with groovy powers?

Plus I also take the tony soprano point of view.

If my skank mother decided to fuck some hindu in nepal when she was a horny teen and I was born there. I'd go to hell right now for eating a burger, point is there is no fuckin point to it. Not picking up the phone on the sabbath or not eating bacon will hardly secure my spot in heaven.

When you have no foundation you don't start building a second story. Jesus left not one writing, no one took down a single word from his mouth. The bible written 6 centuries after his death, yet there are exact quotes? It's all pointless. Believe in your heart and in your mind and you will do fine.
I'm running an experiment in religion. I'm praying that God(whichever one answers first wins) will let me grow up to be just like Sluggo.
I had to read the bible (well three parts of it) for schoo. Gospel of Matthew, Luke and Acts of the Apostles. In the 'Acts' they actually say that JESUS IS HUNG FROM A FUCKING TREE!!

And both Matthew and Luke have a lot of the similar stories but a lot of details are changed and hardly any of it falls chronology together.
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