Full Version: A thread about me - Because i said so motherbitches!!!
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Can I get an oj & seltzer, please?

Oh...what's that you say, you've run out of seltzer?

Alright...I guess I'll have to have a glass of wine.....seltzer intoxicates me anyway.

Thank you. {Big Grin}
MMMMMMMMM...Seltzer...Luna intoxicated..........:firebounce:
is it safe to say that now that Trish has a job, she might be beat less? I hope not.:crackhead:
i'll give her a good asskicking when she gets home just for you big guy Confusedpits: Confusedpits: there a reason that I had to hear this story TWICE now???

How many times has crack heard it, 45?? He looked like he was bleeding from the ears when she told me last night.
Quote:and sorry moron, you have the choice of potato salad, onion rings or terra chips (which scare me quite frankly)
fries are much better
Quote:How many times has crack heard it, 45?? He looked like he was bleeding from the ears when she told me last night.
so that's why he was so pissed Rolleyes
me pissed? ofcouse not, i always look like that no matter what mood i am in. you guys should know that by now:fuckoff: :fuckoff: :fuckoff:
Quote:i always look like that no matter what mood i am in.
Of course we know that. It was the sticking your fingers in your ears when she was telling the story that gave it away. {Wink}
and hence this thread. i'm not allowed to discuss the mundane moments of my day at home so i'll just put them all here...

so, i made pretty damn good time. i would've made it back in an hour and a half but i hit some pretty bad traffic when i got to queens. i found out that the car doesn't really enjoy having a trunk full of heavy bags and suitcases. oh, and i had to stop and duct tape the bumper. i'm thinking it's time to invest in some black duct tape cos the silver is just sooooo tacky. it actually was quite the pleasant afternoon. i got to spend some quality chatting time with my sis. and i don't mind driving long distances by myself cos it's the only time i get to really let go, blast the music and sing really loud. i just hope i never see anyone on the road when i'm doing this cos i get very into it. you know, characters, voices, and i also have a tendency to sing along to the guitar.

oh, and sean, i'm sure you'll be happy to know he just kicked me. :crackhead:
Quote:oh, and sean, i'm sure you'll be happy to know he just kicked me.
[Image: smileeek.gif]
CRX, if I ever see you on the road, I will be the guy pointing and laughing!!! :roflmao:

Ya know, they make window tint for a reason...
Quote:oh, and sean, i'm sure you'll be happy to know he just kicked me.

I dopn't know what put more of a smile on my face, the fact that he kicked you or the fact that even my car doesn't have duct tape holding it together.:firebounce:
where's my onion rings?
Quote:where's my onion rings?

I heard that if you mod her on OA, she will leave them in bts for you!
I wish I could Sean... but Teh Froy took away all my important buttons...

We still have all ours.
[sarcasm tags on loan from] boy howdy maymay... you sure are funny [/sarcasm tags on loan from]
I wish I could Sean... but Teh Froy took away all my important buttons...

Nigga Please, you still got your IP search feature.

Quote:It's all about me...

Wait till trish finds out Alkey logged onto her comp.
hello everyone, i just got home from work. unfortunately i didn't make much money, but, i'll blame it on the fact that it's monday, really nice out so people probably wanted to hang outside for lunch or they were spending their break time at the post office doing their taxes. not a bad job though, i'd say i worked maybe 2 hours and spent the rest of the time chatting, reading the newspaper and watching tv. the bartender's from galway just like my grandpa.

oh, i did my taxes this morning, oh joy, i owe them money :disappointed:

well, i was up very late last night doing all kinds of silly things, so i think i'll be off for a nap now Confusedleeper:
And you are?
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