Full Version: who else is working today? CHECK IN HERE!!!
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wait, there's a new episode coming???????????
not really
I never got my interview.
maybe podcast time is based on height.
Gooch Wrote:maybe podcast time is based on height.

SEE YA IN 2015!!!

go to work, pay the bills, go to work, pay the bills, go to work, pay the bills blah blahblah blah bvlah zfioasfoasf



you really are going for a minimalist style, aren't you.
time to make the doo doo
its like watching pollack in his prime
or a polack
I had to get into work at 8AM to prepare for a meeting we were supposed to have at 9:15. But the other guy wasn't around.

And then the meeting got pushed off.

I was hungover and sick. So I told the guy I was going to work on some slides, went to the other side of the floor (which was obviously empty), took cushions off the couch walked into an empty office and slept for an hour.
am here
am here
pm here
i took off today. only one team was practicing & the building was technically closed, so no one else would be around. i didn't think it was necessary to go in. especially since they were practicing from 9-12. i ran errands all day instead.
I worked today. It seemed like a normal day to me. Except I rode the train alone from Queens. And I got a seat.
Dr. King died for that seat, I hope you appreciated it.
I did . I took the seat a black woman had been sitting in.
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