Full Version: Candy Paper
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ok, now, I was four when this all happened, but I remember there being candy paper.

It was like a small sheet of paper, that you could take bite out of, and it was candy, it melted in your mouth. My brother says it might have been lined, like a ruled sheet of looseleaf, but the paper was pink.
yep, thats the stuff
am i a lunatic or what?
tu es muy loco
candy is bad for your teeth. you've been warned.
My Mom never would by my brothers and I candy so I had to go to the neighborhood supplier.. her Mom bought all that stuff!
Let me guess, you're the youngest right?
Yes, why?
cause if you were my child I'd stop having unprotected sex with my wife to prevent having another one like you
Wrong. Third time's the charm and I was perfect and there was no need for another
well you told me
You're lucky you caught me on a good day. Next time you might not be so lucky...
the pills must be working
Pages: 1 2