Full Version: The Podcasts- Season 2
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I'll wear my wonka goggles
with the wonka hat? cool deal !
goat, me and josh may do a live podcast tomorrow!
i'll bring the iriver
Legends has wifi?
well we're all gonna be there and he has the recorder, unless you wanna be uber geeky and talk to eachother online when we are standing 2 feet from eachother.
well yea!
Just bring your spock ears while you're at it.
no thanks.
You didnt say you dont have any, so you do own some but dont wanna bring them cause they will clash with your trek ear muffs!
ya got me!!
I am so happy to have you
until I do a no-show.
this will go over as well as an o&a live remote show
Goatweed Wrote:until I do a no-show.

I will never forgive you
I showed!
Does that mean the listeners get a new podcast? YAY
stay tuned!
Anyway we can get Danked's podcasts, and all the rest of them, listed on the podcast portal page, as well as an updated rss feed?
yes, but you need to give me the podcast page i created that you uploaded to the cdih server and the address of the other podcasts you want added.
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