Full Version: Oh my god - Worst acting ever
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because checking that the site you're on begins with http:// just isn't secure enough. the only way to beat internet credit fraud is ecashpad. and for just $59.95. you're crazy not to get this. "i feel so vulnerable"

i'm gonna say this is the most entertaining infomercial ever!!!11 what's yours?*

*chubbinstitute nonadmissable
[Image: grant.jpg]
<center>[Image: don.gif]
[Image: tonyprodlg.gif]

Edited By HyBriD on April 14 2002 at 11:19
Quote:*chubbinstitute nonadmissable
<center>[Image: popeil.gif]
[Image: turbocathy.jpg][Image: fron1.jpg]

Edited By HyBriD on April 14 2002 at 12:11
[Image: george.jpg]

You've thought about buying one too

Admit it
<table style=filter:glow(color=crimson)>Body By Jake: Bun Rocker</table>
[Image: bunrocker.jpg]
that guy scares me seph, not ron popeil, that hyper guy, he gives me the willies :crackhead:
[Image: Infomusic.jpg]
I'm watching this really fat guy with bitch tits selling orthodics. he just sold a steam cleaner.
Quote:that guy scares me seph, not ron popeil, that hyper guy, he gives me the willies

Don Lapre showed me how to turn bus change into a $600 million a year business! Thanks Don!
I can't believe we all forgot the best Infomercial ever. Midgets selling real estate. They have this one point where the midget is walking a dalmatian which is taller than him
Here we go.

[Image: thighmaster.jpg]

Like she really needed a ThighMaster.
Nah...She just gets lypo...:firebounce:
I'm thankful for my remote. But, I'd have to say my all-time favorite infomercial is one I saw when I was trippin' my balls off. It was for this cheap-ass treadmill. The thing didn't have a motor, no computer, no nothing, just a tread on rollers. OH! and it had a holder for a walkman (walkman not included)!!! I just couldn't stop thinking that they might as well be selling you a patch of sidewalk, because you could get the same benefit.

And while I'm ranting, I can't believe that you silly women actaully paid $69.95 for The Step. You could've used a few bricks and a piece of wood for the same effect. <-- $7.00 :roflmao:
Damnit!!! I just spent 2,000 on a new treadmill...WTF???
for $2K, I would've chased your wife around the block 4 times a week for 3 months.
Quote:And while I'm ranting, I can't believe that you silly women actaully paid $69.95 for The Step. You could've used a few bricks and a piece of wood for the same effect. <-- $7.00
Isn't that truth! :lol:
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