These people are serious as fuck too. They even warn you that they "are not responsible what happens if you summon demons per the instructions on this site!"
All I need is a silver bowl and a couple red or black candles and it's go time.
let me know if he picks up on the first ring
oh, now that was good. I'll give you that that I look at that comment again, you aren't that good.
diceisgod Wrote:These people are serious as fuck too. They even warn you that they "are not responsible what happens if you summon demons per the instructions on this site!".
I didn't realize that "problems caused by demon summoning" was something that you needed litigation protection against, but hey there's a disclaimer so it must be
DIG, get Satan to join the board. Thanks.
I'm not doing any soul dedication until I hear more about the 401k and the times at which I may draw pentagrams in the ground and sacrafice squirrels and assorted small wildlife.
wouldn't satan get more flock members by advertising on AOL or Yahoo instead of anglefire?
will there be pizza in hell?
Only if you call Domino's pizza.
That's exactly what Jesus said
Jesus turned water into wine; Alkey turned beer into diverticulitis.
he's spreading the gospel of scott stapp at the temple of herberts billiard hall.
I'm not a big fan of these religions that have FAQs. I need one that has just a general objective and goal, other than wearing black and hanging out in the woods where all the kids go to smoke weed and drink beer.
i bet satan thinks they're a bunch of losers.