Full Version: Cops Pose As Graffiti Artists Online
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After an entire train was tagged from top to bottom, nearly unheard of since the 80s, it appears the NYPD is going hi tech to try and track down the artists.

whole train : <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... /#more-643</a><!-- m -->

NYPD poses as graffiti website : <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... rs-online/</a><!-- m -->
that train looks really cool tho, they should leave it alone.
who would have thought that uncle pennybags has became an icon to the black community
How do you know they were black..
racist !
It's great artistic work so it's a compliment
i miss that stuff. pieces can be really really nice
(if they aren't a memorial for some rapper or r&b star)
don't the subway trains now have stuff on them that makes it really easy to clean off paint or something?

one of the best parts of taking the 7 train to shea stadium is going past the buildings in Long Island City that are spray painted up.