02-09-2007, 11:53 PM
I was taking a shit a couple weeks ago in the gym locker room and was reading some of the entertaining writing on the stall walls. Included were lines such as,
-for a blowjob be here Friday at 4pm, bring a used jock strap as payment
-if your a fag kill yourself
-Fuck Bush!
-Nice cock
-Mmm your shit smells yummy!
-Fuck you faggot!
-Jerk off, it’s okay!
…And other stuff I can’t remember
So I was bored and had a pen so figured I’d add something to it. I drew a couple of swastikas with WHITE POWER written beneath them, kill all niggers, if you hate niggers as much as I do, call (my former employer’s number), let’s chat! and God is a nigger lover. About a week later I visited the stall again and someone had crossed out all my entries! My bathroom graffiti was censored! I was appalled. What the fuck is this country coming to when you can’t even post disgusting hate-filled messages in a bathroom stall?! Not just a regular bathroom stall either, but a locker room stall. What a fucking disgrace.
-for a blowjob be here Friday at 4pm, bring a used jock strap as payment
-if your a fag kill yourself
-Fuck Bush!
-Nice cock
-Mmm your shit smells yummy!
-Fuck you faggot!
-Jerk off, it’s okay!
…And other stuff I can’t remember
So I was bored and had a pen so figured I’d add something to it. I drew a couple of swastikas with WHITE POWER written beneath them, kill all niggers, if you hate niggers as much as I do, call (my former employer’s number), let’s chat! and God is a nigger lover. About a week later I visited the stall again and someone had crossed out all my entries! My bathroom graffiti was censored! I was appalled. What the fuck is this country coming to when you can’t even post disgusting hate-filled messages in a bathroom stall?! Not just a regular bathroom stall either, but a locker room stall. What a fucking disgrace.