Full Version: Political correctness has officially gone too far
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I was taking a shit a couple weeks ago in the gym locker room and was reading some of the entertaining writing on the stall walls. Included were lines such as,
-for a blowjob be here Friday at 4pm, bring a used jock strap as payment
-if your a fag kill yourself
-Fuck Bush!
-Nice cock
-Mmm your shit smells yummy!
-Fuck you faggot!
-Jerk off, it’s okay!
…And other stuff I can’t remember

So I was bored and had a pen so figured I’d add something to it. I drew a couple of swastikas with WHITE POWER written beneath them, kill all niggers, if you hate niggers as much as I do, call (my former employer’s number), let’s chat! and God is a nigger lover. About a week later I visited the stall again and someone had crossed out all my entries! My bathroom graffiti was censored! I was appalled. What the fuck is this country coming to when you can’t even post disgusting hate-filled messages in a bathroom stall?! Not just a regular bathroom stall either, but a locker room stall. What a fucking disgrace.
I would have wrote "Be My Valentine, Bloody Anus" and "I like tea and tulips". And then a big smiley face with dimpled cheeks.
this was a long way to go to let everyone know you work out
The sleeper just made me L O L
stop it
stop laughing?
no, breathing.
yes please kill yourself if you need help pm me
wtf you too?
screw everyone

My only friend here is Gonzo.
Gonzo hates you, trust me on that.
[sarcasm]yeah because I'm sure you sit around with him discussing that[/sarcasm]
No, but its a pretty safe bet.
funsnapsdyno Wrote:[sarcasm]yeah because I'm sure you sit around with him discussing that[/sarcasm]

actually, I have, and he really does.
Goatweed Wrote:
funsnapsdyno Wrote:[sarcasm]yeah because I'm sure you sit around with him discussing that[/sarcasm]

actually, I have, and he really does.

No we didn't and I don't.
...and you used to fuck Filipino boys and use eggplants as sex toys.
GonzoStyle Wrote:
Goatweed Wrote:
funsnapsdyno Wrote:[sarcasm]yeah because I'm sure you sit around with him discussing that[/sarcasm]

actually, I have, and he really does.

No we didn't and I don't.

yes we did!! WTF!
Thank you Gonzo..

It seems Goatweed is known liar #2
you really need to not post unless what comes out of you is actually enlightening or useful to anyone else but yourself. you are simply a plague on posting.
he was drunk when we talked about how bad you suck, that's why he forgot.
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