The most annoying thing, worse than Jar Jar Binks, worse than Greedo shooting first, worse than Hayden Christensen's acting is droid sarcasm & humor. It's interspersed throughout the entire first 3 episodes (ie. I, II, III) and it's just atrocious.
Another annoyance was how easy those other 3 Jedi MASTERS went out by the emperor, and then it was just him vs. Sam L Jackson (forget his name). They couldn't have been that weak and stupid. i think that was just a big rush job on the part of Lucas. That fight could have been so much more entertaining and better choreographed. Real sloppy.
I refuse to believe that anyone has seen this movie before it was on HBO two hours ago.
sounds like sci fi geek bullshit to me, bunch of faggots watching comic book movies.
1 thru 3 are the biggest pieces of shit on the planet. 1 & 2 are simply unwatchable.
keyser trying not to act like a giant fag geek who meanwhile posts on a messageboard and dates youtube... is quite a thrill this early morning.
wearing your Darth Vadar costume to an event for all to see>whipping your tiny lightsaber out on paltalk for all to see
my biggest complaints are that the acting is horrible and I hate sci-fi
faceman802 Wrote:wearing your Darth Vadar costume to an event for all to see>whipping your tiny lightsaber out on paltalk for all to see
Facey : 1
Keyser : 0
I don't get the complaints against the acting in the prequels. Agreed, Christensen was pretty subpar. But it's not as if the original 3 all had Oscar-worthy performances. Mark Harmon was awful, considerably worse than Christensen. But the acting was never really that important a facet of the original 3, so I don't see why people expected the prequels to be any different. In fact, there's probably more cheesy dialogue in IV than in any of the prequels combined.
Bloody Anus Wrote:I don't get the complaints against the acting in the prequels. Agreed, Christensen was pretty subpar. But it's not as if the original 3 all had Oscar-worthy performances. Mark Harmon was awful, considerably worse than Christensen. But the acting was never really that important a facet of the original 3, so I don't see why people expected the prequels to be any different. In fact, there's probably more cheesy dialogue in IV than in any of the prequels combined.
Yeah, Mark Harmon musta used to force to keep that show with the deaf chick on the air.
Yeah, and I don't know how Chris Ford convinced the Celtics he could coach. Must have threatened them with a wookiee or 2.
while gooch and faceman are are probably nice guys and all, lets be honest, i could spend every waking moment twiddling my cock on paltalk and i'd still be light years away from being this guy...
<img src="">
check her out keyser, she's a real life woman as opposed to a face on a monitor. Maybe you'll meet one day but I'm not holding out any hope for you. Once a piece of shit, always a piece of shit
yeah, one day, i can only hope.
cell phone on the belt = fashion faux pas.
As is the moustache.
And tucking in the collarless shirt.
And having a stain on the shirt.
And being 50 pounds overweight.
And being with a woman who outweighs you.
And the wooden TV stand.
And the Paisley wallpaper,
And the lack of an entertainment center which necessitates putting the VCR and DVD player on top of the TV.
And having a VCR.
And just stacking up your DVDs in a pile.
And having wind chimes inside