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I laugh at tsunami's and hurricanes!!

Outside my window right now it looks like a Discovery Channel documentary on the arctic plains.
NoreaSter's, that is.
Got a day off work so I just love them.
i'm taking the day. i'm about to make the phone call.
I'm terrified that I'm going to be snowed in at this job today. I have to leave at 4 and make it to the second job at 5 tonight. However, since I got here at 8 this morning, we have had about a foot of snow dump on us and it is still coming.

I miss seasons.

4 years in Oswego and never saw anything remotely close to <a href="">10 FEET</a> of snow. The most lake effect we got was 3, maybe 4 feet. And they definitely never cancelled classes, under any circumstance.
Too many people panic driving in shit weather. If you're afraid of the conditions, stay off the roads.
Theres like 4 inches of snow but at 8am, people were crowing outside the supermarket as if the apocalypse was coming.
Quote:The intense blast of snow hasn't been blamed for any deaths in Oswego County. Elsewhere, however, more than a week of bitter cold and slippery roads have contributed to at least 25 deaths across the northeastern quarter of the nation - five in Ohio, four in Illinois, four in Indiana, two in Kentucky, seven in Michigan, and one each in Wisconsin, and Maryland and elsewhere in New York, authorities said.
Upstate NY may have its share of uneducated conservative hillbillies with a hint of inbreeding mixed in, but they sure do know how to handle their weather.
Hoon Wrote:NoreaSter's, that is.

Nor'eaSters, actually
i was expecting a fat joke
GonzoStyle Wrote:Theres like 4 inches of snow but at 8am, people were crowing outside the supermarket as if the apocalypse was coming.

when i went to the c town by me yesterday i was hoping to see all the bread and milk gone because the crazies got to them, but it was still all there.

of course this could have also been because it was a c town
you really live in the ghetto part of jc or you just like to shop at c town?
downtown jersey city, by the grove st path. kinda ghetto. c town is around the block. i usually just go there for milk and eggs and bread and some other small things. if we actually do big time food shopping we go to the A&P near target
i love that c town cause there are never any lines. the shop rite on weekends is a mad house of welfare queens.
yea that c town is sweet. you walk in, grab some things, and walk out.
i bought my bike at that target, $50, what a bargain!
Bloody Anus Wrote:I miss seasons.

4 years in Oswego and never saw anything remotely close to <a href="">10 FEET</a> of snow. The most lake effect we got was 3, maybe 4 feet. And they definitely never cancelled classes, under any circumstance.

the snow that western new york got this year is insane, but it snows till april, so they know how to deal. they shoulda known it was going to be crazy when that snow storm in mid october hit.
So that was one of the top ten worst recorded storms for Vermont and I made it through it without any major problems. My car had some difficulty scaling the steep incline of each driveway to my respective jobs, but at least I didn't go careening off the road into a snowbank like many of my fellow out-of-staters that I saw yesterday.

Go go gadget Volvo!
The only thing I hate about places like c-town or we have the "met" here, is the fact they really dont have much variety but for the basic shit, they're mint. Like if you want pringles, they'll have like 2 flavors, or they have dont have the more specialty flavors of soda, just the basic cokes, sprite, etc.

But I do agree the fact there is rarely if ever, any wait on line. Thats why I go to the bank I use, they dont have online banking, and if I wanna check my balance I have to call them, etc. But I have never had to wait in a line and if I need a check cleared a little sooner the teller chick helps me out. Its like the same 2 tellers for the last 78 years.
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