Full Version: Joe Rogan Punks Carlos Mencia..
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Joe Rogan rides Howard Stern's coat tales
That's not the point.
The point is my hatred of Carlos Mencia is validated even though it wasn't from knowing he was a joke theif.
This doesn't say much for the people he stole from since I've never heard him say anything funny.
i'm glad more people are going to know his real name is ned. i don't know why, it just makes me smile
Hoon Wrote:That's not the point.
The point is my hatred of Carlos Mencia is validated even though it wasn't from knowing he was a joke theif.

never thought he or the other mexican that o&a used to have on the show were ever funny.

roagn should be the one stealing jokes though, he could use the help in his act too.
I don't like Hispanic comedians. The only exception was that I enjoyed a couple of the Cheech and Chong movies because at the time the drug stuff was interesting. Plus they had really hot chicks in them that got naked, wanted to fuck all the time, and made my weenie tingle. Other than that, there's not one talented & funny Hispanic person on the planet.
Hoon is a post thief, and I'm calling you out, bitch!
this thread is brilliant in more ways than one
Keyser Soze Wrote:this thread is brilliant in more ways than one
you ride Hoon's coat tales
who are you again?
your worst nightmare
you screencap cam jackers?
you're a circus clown?
oh man, like It? Tim Curry was fucking scary in that, and I LOVE clowns. Alot.
i'll wrestle an alligator before i step foot inside the big top.
what if we go to the circus for the intent and purpose being that you punch a clown in the face? because that would be really awesome. and traumatic for children. and thus, more awesome.
id be in a puddle of my own urine before i could get close enough to connect.
what if I hold his arms back?
My favorite part of the clip was seeing Dat Fan. It's the first time since he won Last Comic Standing.
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