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Two real life factors caused me to have a bad dream last night.

1) There was some awful news story on yesterday about a baby who had it's nose eaten off by a rat while it was sleeping in its crib.

2) I left my windows open last night and put fans up against the screens to let the place air out a bit overnight.

So I fell asleep, and I seemingly wake up and I can feel something digging into the middle of my back. It hurts like hell so I grab a pillow and start whacking it to try and get whatever it is off. Of course it's not coming off so I run into the bathroom to see what the fuck it was in the mirror (all the while whacking it with the pillow). It was a fucking pigeon acting like he was Woody Woodpecker drilling into my spine and blood is all over the place. It was pretty terrible but it's cool how your mind can fuck with you like that. Needless to say, I shut all the windows before going back to sleep.
I keep having these creepy dreams where everything around me feels like regular life, and there will be some like meaninglessly dramatic problem that I have to fix, one time, it was driving my friend to the Mexican border with Staten Island, and then crossing the border by going through the basement of a Mexican restaurant, and then coming out the other side in Namibia. I then have to drove a local car all around, and try to get to the ocean, but one by one, every entrance to the beach area is blocked off by troops, so I have to go back to Mexico and get back to Staten Island, and then I get bit by a horsefly, and I immediatly start thinking "I'm going to die. This horsefly probably has some awful African disease, and now I've got it. I keep driving, and everything seems ok, and my friend and I get back to the restaurant and go back up through the basement, except we have to dodge some Mexican gang from LA, and they have guns. Eventually, I get back to the front of the restaurant, and then I get shot in the head from behind me at point blank range, and I fall to the ground, and can feel the brain oozing out of my head, and the shot itself just feels like one good punch to the head, except with no pain.

Sometimes, everything will seem normal around me, except there's a crazy change to my hometown. One dream, my neighborhood had a newly paved and built up cove on the lower New York Bay, and there was a series of small beach sand bars where concrete pillars came up out of the sand and supported a sweet boardwalk. Then there was a clearing in the wood park by the cove, and the remains of some long defunct amusement park lie in complete building decay, and I go into the fun house, which is now a rusty spraypainted, hole ridden piece of junk, and I get up to the second level, and there are rotting bodies from over 30 years scattered about.

My dreams are weird.
I had a dream on Chinese New Year's night (it's the year of the boar) that for whatever reason a boar clamped down on my leg. It didn't really "bite" me, as its teeth were out the outside of my shin, but my leg and foot were pinned in its mouth.

I just kind of hung out there, not really worried because it wasn't biting me, but a bit vexed by it.

I'm guessing that it must have been a couple hours that it was like that, gnawing a bit and slobbering, but not biting down and eating.

Finally it shifted its mouth and loosened its grip, and I used that as a chance to pull my leg free.

I looked down and my leg was half digested, with gaping holes in my shin and hanging muscle and flesh.

I immediately woke up all discombobbled and hunched over lurched for my leg. I was grabbing and massaging it freaking out.
was it a prediction of how the stock market was going to turn
possibly. Sooooo happy I got out of my Sony position. Couldn't have been timed better.

Also writing my CFC calls.

The Jet Blue calls aren't working out yet, but for what the rest of the market has been doing, they still have a chance. I need the stock to go up $2 by July.