You know the ones, you watch them or try to watch and realize you wasted precious moments that could have been spent more wisely.
The Secretary - I saw that in a $2.00 bin a couple years ago, purchased it and brought it home to watch.. what a waste of time. I ended up throwing it in the garbage afterwards.
wow just stop talking forever please
Holy shit. That can't be a coincidence.
Great move, Snaps. Big fan.
Dru is staggering.
I purchased the secretary a couple weeks ago on the advice of a buddy.
I'll keep my opinion to myself so as to not cause any rifts.
i don't understand how people can't see how hot that fucking movie is. love nutty spader roles. crash is another. sooooo nice.
Spader and sex...Spader is sex
I do love a good Spader Skinflick.
I was told it was dark humor, and I chuckled maybe once or 2x but that was it.
As far as hot, ew.
Yeah they were into a little S&M stuff, so show it but why base a whole movie on it.. I didn't expect the whole movie to be only about that. And if there is some deep meaning behind it and some symbolism to the movie, oh well, it went past my head.
The movie rocked, thats not my issue, Spader fuckin blows though, I have never liked him in anything. Though he was ok in wolf but thats Nicholson.
I thought The Secretary overhyped pedantic tittilation for the sexually repressed. I thought Evil Dead 2 was sexier. But thats just me. Spader is just a glorified B movie actor. Bruce Campbell shows more range.
Keep up typing shit like "pedantic tittilation" and you're gonna hurt snaps.
Spader wasn't even good in Wall Street.
Best role he ever played was "Stanky Hanky" from Seinfeld.
Gooch Wrote:I thought The Secretary overhyped pedantic tittilation for the sexually repressed. I thought Evil Dead 2 was sexier. But thats just me. Spader is just a glorified B movie actor. Bruce Campbell shows more range.
you have issues. spader is plays really sexy characters, this has nothing to do with his actual acting ability or his range. the less he changes it up the better. i don't think it's for the repressed either, maybe snaps needs to be more open minded since she threw out that "ew" comment about it's hotness.
i don't get the "dark humor" comment either. but i don't really love the movie for is comedic value.
I thought it was quite funny and sexy but Spader just sucks the life out of film for me.
He was tolerable but he did bring it down for me.
i'm actually shocked that galt didn't like it. i figured he'd be all over it for it's s&m value.
drusilla Wrote:maybe snaps needs to be more open minded since she threw out that "ew" comment about it's hotness.
So anyway, are there any other crappy movies people don't like? I didn't think this would be taken as a personal attack just because I didn't like a movie. Good god..
it's not just any movie to some people.
here's my list of shit that i wish i had the time spent watching back ( & i know that this list will bother some):
- crash (not the spader one, the more recent race relations piece of shit)
- magnolia
- romeo & juliet (with leo & claire)
- passion of the christ (just an over all really shitty movie but i'm a an athiest raised jewish so i might be biased)
drusilla Wrote:it's not just any movie to some people.
here's my list of shit that i wish i had the time spent watching back ( & i know that this list will bother some):
- crash (not the spader one, the more recent race relations piece of shit)
- magnolia
- romeo & juliet (with leo & claire)
- passion of the christ (just an over all really shitty movie but i'm a an athiest raised jewish so i might be biased)
I can only assume by that list that you haven't watched beerfest yet.
I have yet to see Crash.. it's on my list