I am still new to this board so please bear with me. I do not know Maynard but it seems like everyone abuses him like crazy.
So, Why is Maynard such a DICK????
Don't ask stupid fucking questions...
That's like asking why is there air...
Maynard is a dick, and that's all there is to it...
I have a question though...
Why is this here, in Noise Pollution?
Shouldn't it be in Entertainment Unlimited?
Since we are all entertained by Maynards Dickness?
I'm a dick because this doesn't belong in Music, so I'm gonna move it. :p
Hey dick...I was gonna move it...I still may...:moonie:
Oh, now you're just bein an asshole Sluggo.
Quote:Why is maynard a dick?!????!!!!!
Why do pedophiles fuck children?
Edited By GonzoStyle on April 15 2002 at 01:47
i think the maynerd bashing has gone on long enough. lets leave this poor pathetic wretch alone. isnt his life punishment enough without us pouring salt into his already grievous wounds?
Quote:Why is maynard a dick?!?!???!!!
Do you really need to ask??!!??!!!
just because i dont like to kick a man when he is down means that we are in love.
Yeah Sluggo, we all know he has his eye on a certain 3rd baseman who will be in the minors all year.:blow:
Quote:Yeah Sluggo, we all know he has his eye on a certain 3rd baseman who will be in the minors all year
vice president of the Grumpy organization for beating a dead horse
Quote:just because i dont like to kick a man when he is down means that we are in love.