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Greatest male movie ever. Fighting, blood, tits, fighting, decapitations and more adreneline than any movie since gladiator. And visually it's a fucking masterpiece. I cannot say enough good things about this movie. You must go see it and now.
it was pretty good.

I saw it at imax last night. visually arresting, but like with Sin City, Frank Miller's prose is godfuckingawful. Most of it was done on a blue & green screen with effects for the backdrops, etc. Problem is, it looks very claustrophobic and confined. Good comic book movie and pretty amazing to watch, but I found the tale very forgettable, especially when it is a diluted skewed history of what is a fascinating story in truth.

liked it...but wasn't amazed. Liked the actor who played King Leonidis. Nice role.
One thing that always pulls me out of a movie like this is the lack of blood and guts on the battlefield. If you're slaughtering people you'd be covered in blood and so would the ground.

Other then that minor annoyance, it was a good flick.
70 million opening weekend and the 3rd best r-rated film opening in history.
but it didnt get the gooch "rawr"!
no, but its been growing on me since. worth another watching, i think.
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