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Seriously. Anyone following the Renetto / Casey Nunez drama??

This renetto character is apparently some kind of international youtube star. He makes trips to England, has thousands of subscribers, gets nominated and win's youtube awards. Anyway, this Renetto character tells everything about his personal life there is to know. From his real first and last name, to where he lives, where he works, his wife and kid's personal info and buisiness etc, etc, etc.

Now apparently he's attracted a bonafide psycho. This fellow named Casey Nunez is a hurricane Katrina evacuee living in a government trailer in Ohio and is flat out stalking renetto. And it's all unfolding daily on video.

I mean he's threatening the guy, calling his neighbors telling them he is trying to kill his wife, contacting lawyers, contacting police, contracting the IRS claiming Renetto is fraudulently filing. He says he's running a Dateline NBC type sting on youtube and building a case against Renetto. He calls Renetto's wife and videotapes them, posts viedo of transcripts he's written out from conversations with Renetto's acquaintences. He brandishes weapons only to be banned and start up another account under a different name.

Lame, yes. Fascinating, YES!!
I love the internets!!!
<div><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" quality="high" WIDTH="445" HEIGHT="369" wmode="transparent"></embed><br><a href="">Renetto Show"s his true Colors!</a></div>
why do all psychos have missing teeth!
I have all my tooths.
<div><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" quality="high" WIDTH="445" HEIGHT="369" wmode="transparent"></embed><br><a href="">I am PISSED!!!!!!!!!!</a></div>
i thought that was many hoons are there out there really?

the other two are chinese and thier name's are actually, hoon.
saw that earlier.
the psycho hurricane was so apologetic!
this shit is like watching retards fight. how can you not watch this, I ask.
i love psycho hurricane so much
it's like giving a messageboard video chat. the name of Jaysus!!
if this guy put as much energy into building a house that he puts into these videos, he'd be have a mansion. Instead he's in a trailer stalking some video dork on YouTube.
i'm just hoping that all of this leads to a death
oh, you hope for that all the time.
but this time it's realistic.

this is a real time look into the mind of an absolute stalker. and a hurricane katrina victim that deserves no symapthy. and you know how i hate hurricane katrina victims.

<embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed>
the whole thing just doesn't do a thing for me.
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