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Jesus the memories...7up and Silent ball!! They're basically my memories of catholic grammar school.

Playued manhunt all the time. We also had a neighborhood olympics. We had about 12 kids that competed. I always lost the bicycle race to some faeg on a 10 not Maynard.

And I think Sean and I went to the same school. Knuckles was it...Oh for someone to pick an Ace of diamond or hearts. I can see the skin flying now.
Suprised noone mentioned freeze-tag yet.
Also flashlight tag at night in the woods. (only on vacation for this city boy)

On vacation as a kid, we would go to upstate NY. At night, all the kids would get flashlights and we'd run around trying to shine the light on the fruit bats flying overhead.
Lol...that reminds me of collecting fireflies and putting them in a jar. That was alot of fun.
Am I alone in wishing that Luna's answer would have been "doctor"?
Quote:Lol...that reminds me of collecting fireflies and putting them in a jar. That was alot of fun.
I remember one time someone got a butterfly net and was using it to catch fireflies and caught a big beetle with a bunch of fireflies. We sat around watching the big beetle eat the fireflies one by one.

Also watched two slugs fuck once. Didn't know what they were doing (didn't know what sex was at the time) till I looked up slugs in the encyclopedia and saw a picture with a description. That's a fucked-up way to learn about sex. {:o} {:o}
Quote:That's a fucked-up way to learn about sex.

:lol: I also used to collect pollywogs as a kid. It was an interesting way to learn about the metamorphis process. I remember watching these two sets of frogs next to each other. The male sits on the females back and fertilizes the eggs as she lays them (if I can remember correctly).

I recall running home and telling my mother that I saw two frogs double dating. She almost fell off her chair from laughing so hard.
Another game we "played" when I was younger was dumpster diving. We would go in the dumpsters of Kmart and Radio Shack and find all kinds of toys and shit that were only a little broken. Thinking back, I can't believe we did that shit, but hey I got some cool toys out of the deal. In fact, that's how I got my first game system. It was an Intellivision from the Radio Shack dumpster. the thing was cool, but after playing it for like 15 minutes, it would just shut off for no apparent reason. I guess that's why it was thrown out.
Spin the Bottle. I ruled. Retired undefeated.
Played all the mentioned sports and games except knuckles, but no one mentioned the other tag games there were. Freeze tag was mentioned but what about Ice Scream tag and TV tag and that one where if you were caught you became a stationary person for the "it" person. If you tagged someone they we're it also and the winner was the last person not caught. Also, going to the pool and playing "all sharks under"(also called sharks and minnows) and swim races and crazy dive contests and stuff were great. Belly flop contests were more funner.
Water balloon fights.
Water gun fights (pre-super soaker, when a windex bottle was better than any gun).

At the beach, we would build rivers and then dump buckets of water at the top and watch the water flow through the channels we dug. Sometimes we made a paper boat and floated it down our river.
Kick the can, freeze tag, manhunt, rounders, hopscotch, basically anything that was outside and didn't invovle much equipment
same as everyone else, kick ball, freeze tag, manhunt (during the day and at night) , tv tag, squash the melon, 'treasure hunts', marco polo
it was good to be little with nothing to freakin worry about.
Quote:squash the melon, 'treasure hunts'

you know i cant pass this up nette. i bet both of these games involved your pants off and a tube of K-Y. with quick access to a phone so the local poison control center can be called in case of overexpoxure with "nettefluids"
Yea so what huh! theres nothing wrong with a 7 yr old having her own supply of K-Y.

But to elaborate so no one gets the wrong idea ( if its not too late)
squash the melon was having some poor sap sit at the bottom of a slide with there legs over one side( the big ones, not the little kid slide where 6 people can sit next to each other and slide at once.), and every person would slide down the same way, legs over a side, and slam into the person at the bottom, and that person had to try and stay on the slide with a whole slew of kids waiting in line. Last person off the slide when it was all done was the next 'melon'

The treasure hunts were when one group of kids left notes with clues all over the place of where to go next to find the next clue till you got to the 'hidden treasure' or whatever you had to find.
just sounds like a cover up name for

Quote:Lol...that reminds me of collecting fireflies and putting them in a jar
The best was to get a wiflfe ball bat and play lightening bug baseball
I remember having "Color Wars". Everyone wore white t-shirts and everyone put kool-aid in their super soaker everyone had a different color that way you knew who shot you.
Street football. We didn't tackle, but the chances of getting hit by a car at any moment more than made up for it.
Sean Cold said.. "A painful game was asses up. Holy jesus, that game fuckin blew if you had bad hands catching the fuckin ball. You were supposed to throw a spalding at a wall as hard as possible and others were supposed to catch it with one hand and fire the ball again. If you dropped it, you had to high tail it and touch the wall while anyone could pick up the fumbled ball and fuckin peg you. If you got hit, that was an "A". After spelling ass, you had to drop draws, bend over while having your hands against the wall, and everybody playing had ten throws to blister you. I learned how to catch a ball with one hand really fuckin quick after playing that game."

we called that execution
we also played running bases, and manhunt a lot.
stoop ball was the best. me and a friend used to play it all day , all summer.
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