Full Version: DIG is an inspiration!
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Quote:Thats pretty much the best way to put it. And guess what, I'll admit it here: INTERNET FLEA IS A GIMMICK. ITS A BIG FUCKING GAG AND I POINT AND LAUGH AT THE SCREEN. ITS FUN TO PISS OFF YOU PEOPLE. Like I always say, it's the fucking internet. Diceisgod is one of the most famous messageboarders of all time. People got so wrapped up with what he said on the internet that it caused an entire messageboard to shut down. People HATED him because of this. You don't think he sat back and laughed at that?

Taz I read your post and you are right about what I said (except about the 'backstabbing your friends' comment cause that's not true at all. And people definitely know this isn't true). If I am getting you angry and causing unnecessary stress for you, then it's my absolute apologies. What I said was true and not. It was a bit true because..... well threads like this that explode and make tension. But it wasn't because you know how I am and....... like you, I let go of grudges and don't get all wrapped up in online battles.

Here's the thing. It's fun to piss off people when they are behind a keyboard. Fact. HOWEVER, I get upset when people who I know and care about (you, Silera, etc) get pissed off in REAL LIFE. There's a difference between a one night "ugh what a douchebag" and "I'm going to deck you at the next event". Honestly I don't want you or Silera to be pissed off (espically cause ITS THE INTERNET). Is this backpedaling? I assume so because its taking back what I do. But 99% of you know me in person.
floods, fires, locusts on the way, and now this.
i know i have missed something
the awful truth

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Flea should be executed this friday for making such a comparison.
Gooch Wrote:the awful truth

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Such a handsome well quaffed young man.
GonzoStyle Wrote:Flea should be executed this friday for making such a comparison.

it's been long overdue.
Diceisgod has powers on par with Doppler 4000.
dig knows what you did last summer
You can apply that whole Chuck Norris thing to diceisgod, and it would work so much better.
dig would kick chuck norris' ass, and then fuck his wife in front of him
dig would enter chuck norris, like Neo did with Agent Smith in the Matrix, then fuck his wife, then super kick his wife in her head with Chuck Norris' own leg, and then he would make Chuck Norris explode into bloody pieces of gore.
you lost me at the matrix
diceisgod will steal your tires and then drive away in your car.
much better
drug makers are working feverishly to concoct a way to lace heroin with diceisgod, in order to increase potency.
was flea around during the golden age? what name did he post under? adolescentmasturbator?
i dont think he was born yet
I don't know how "right now" is the first time I ever seen this. But right now that I have, I shrug indifferently and wonder if Silera's ass is still worth looking at and maybe worth punching this Flea character dude to get at & in. But maybe also...

What board was this from and what was the backstory? (if interesting)

Anybody know about this as this post is probably the last time she was on this board? Further, I'll bet my oversight ( clue) & my lack of acknowledgement of this post got her all cunty and bloody and she quit and then ripped out Alkey's asshole in her heartbroken rage and overall spicery.
By the way: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> - NOT ME.

No clue who that douche is but he has excellent taste despite dragging my handle through the mud in effigy. I'd sue him if he didn't live in Pittsburgh & already have enough problems to deal with.
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