Full Version: Most horrible way to die.
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Sleeping with Alkey.
i think any way that involves you actually thinking 'ah crap i'm going to die,' and then having a long time to think about it, must suck. what are you supposed to do during the time you have left besides sit their and wait? to me that seems torturous enough.

Edited By HedCold on April 16 2002 at 04:04
Quote:I think being eaten alive by rats might be one of the worst. Or having an open jar of rats being glued to your face and then you blow torch the closed end of the jar so the rats have to eat through your face to escape.

You must have just read 1984.
actually the blow torch idea came from duckman
I was just thinking about this the other day, I think it's a toss up between being burned to death or getting buried alive in an avalanche.
in gonzo's basement
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