Full Version: Chris Benoit and family found dead
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The funny thing is I agree with a lot of what you are saying, Anus. Vince does promote steroid use by always having the huge guys as main eventers. This practice sends the message that to get ahead int the WWE, you have to be a monster.
The last time that the WWE was on fire and simply awesome was when The Rock was on top, and a talent like that with the charisma like that come along once in a blue moon, and when that type of talent isn't there, Vince goes back to the old playbook of juiced up guys.
Quote:This is you stepping up on your soapbox.

Any questions?
Yeah, I have a question. Why are you unable to complete your thoughts in a single post and instead make a second one minutes later?
Bloody Anus Wrote:
Quote:This is you stepping up on your soapbox.

Any questions?
Yeah, I have a question. Why are you unable to complete your thoughts in a single post and instead make a second one minutes later?

It must be the ADD. My bad.
These things come in three's, next Jorge Posada will strangle his retarded kid.
I didn't realize his kid was retarded. Why are the police still wasting their time searching for a motive??
Bloody Anus Wrote:I didn't realize his kid was retarded. Why are the police still wasting their time searching for a motive??

It could be because this incident is somewhat out of character for Benoit. Most of the people that knew him seem to be shocked that this happened. Plus, his name came up in that huge steroid case in Florida. Also, there may be pressure from the WWE to find ANY other reason but steroids that explains what happened.
Quote:ATLANTA - Investigators are looking into who altered pro wrestler Chris Benoit’s Wikipedia entry to mention his wife’s death hours before authorities discovered the bodies of the couple and their 7-year-old son.

Benoit’s Wikipedia entry was altered early Monday to say that the wrestler had missed a match two days earlier because of his wife’s death.

A Wikipedia official, Cary Bass, said Thursday that the entry was made by someone using an Internet protocol address registered in Stamford, Conn., where World Wrestling Entertainment is based.
it was chainsaw charlie
If this whole thing was just a wrestling story angle, vince is the most brilliant man in history.
Kinda like what he did with that whole Edge/Matt Hardy/Lita angle.

The more I hear about this Benoit story the more it weirds me out.
Since the Wikipedia thing is more of an internet story, I knew not to trust MSNBC with the journalistic investigation. Instead, I went to SomethingAwful and found this

Quote:Yesterday it was widely reported by Fox News, the Associated Press, ABC News, digg and a host of other news sites that an anonymous user on Wikipedia altered the online encyclopedia's article on Chris Benoit noting the death of the pro-wrestler's wife 13 hours before police found the dead bodies of Benoit, his wife, and 7-year old son. The incident is being treated as a murder-suicide.

What the anonymous user on Wikipedia may have failed to realize, is that little about your activity on Wikipedia is anonymous.

Anytime an edit is made to a Wikipedia page, that information along with the user's IP address is logged by the site and publicly accessible. A simple check of these logs paints a much clearer picture of the person who made the aforementioned edits: not someone affiliated with the WWE as the mainstream media suggested, but rather a teenager from UConn who just finished his first year of college and vandalizes Wikipedia on a regular basis.

The user who made the Benoit Wikipedia edit also made a several changes dating back to May 16th of this year. In one edit to the page on Naugatuck, Connecticut page, he replaces the name of the town's mayor to Marc Dagz, adding Visar Tasimi as the deputy mayor and also adding the name Burton Barnes to the page.

When these names are cross-referenced on the social-networking website facebook, it is revealed that both Dagz and Barnes are friends and current UConn students, whose hometown is, unsurprisingly, Naugatuck, Connecticut. A check to Tasimi's facebook and MySpace pages shows he is also a friend of the other two from Naugatuck and attending UConn. All of the three recently finished their first year of college. While not knowing which person made the edits for certain, given the specific nature of the other edits and corroborating evidence, it seems almost certain the edits were made by either Marc Dagz, Visar Tasimi, or Burton Barnes (and one might lean towards Dagz, given that he made himself the mayor of his own hometown).

The IP address associated with the user was also widely reported in the media as resolving to Stamford, Connecticut - the headquarters of the WWE. While these facts are in and of themselves true, what the mainstream media neglected to mention was that the IP address resolves to the Internet Service Provider of the user and the physical location of the ISP's server. The ISP in this case is Optimum Online, a provider of high-speed internet access across Connecticut - and the location of this server is less than 50 miles away from Naugatuck.

The user was also warned several times in the past for vandalizing and posting erroneous information on Wikipedia. Among them:

On Stacy Keibler:

People want to @!$%# her in her lovely @!$%# and whip her ass til the dawn of day. Many people fantasize about ramming their cocks up her @!$%#.

Regarding Ron Artest:

Artest is a piece of @!$%# nigger!!!!!!!

At one point he also replaces the entire page on the African Wild Ass with, simply, 'piss.'

No, this wasn't a person who had foreknowledge of a tragic murder-suicide, it was an immature college freshman with too much time on his hands and a bad sense of humor.

Moral of the story: Your actions on Wikipedia, facebook, and MySpace are hardly anonymous, and it would be wise not to treat them as such (and if given the option, the media will run with half of a story that might turn out to be dubious, in the name of being first and provocative).
That is just brilliant. These media guys are a bunch of morons.
he's right about Artest though.
Retards are freakishly strong. Need roids to choke one them out no matter how small and young they are.
Benoit was chock full of roids for the last 10 months, including when he was tested by the WWE. His doc prescribed them.
fake fighting by a bunch of drug abusers in ball huggers.
I found myself in, "Toyz R Us" this weekend searching for a gift for my nephews birthday when I came across the rack of wrestling figures. Figuring the Benoit doll might be worth money some day I started pawing through them looking for one. That's when this super excited store employee came over and started asking me what I was looking for. Annoyed and embarassed I lied and said, "nothing special'.

He wouldn't leave me alone. I don't know if he wanted to go home or if he was really just that protective over his wrestling dolls. He hovered over me until I finally walked away. I wanted to put him in the cripple crossface so bad I could taste it. I pussed out but it would've been a really great tribute to Chris.
Arpikarhu Wrote:
Bloody Anus Wrote:Vince McMahon is a murderer.

Anybody that still watches and contributes money to the WWEFG whatever the fuck it is should be fired from their job, have their house and vehicle repossessed, and be deported - preferably to Africa. Anybody that allows their children to watch should be charged with child abuse and have them taken away and put into foster homes - preferably in Africa. It's just inexcusable already. People that still like this product have absolutely no redeemable qualities. They are the dregs of society and represent everything that is wrong with this country. I used to shake my head at how people in the 80s/90s mocked wrestling and wrestling fans. They just didn't "get it." But now I completely understand where they were coming from.

Fucking ridiculous.

i have never agreed more with a post.
Africa is awesome and completely underrated. Everyone should go there. It's way better than Europe.
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