Full Version: if you work for a living
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why do you kill yourself working?
money can be exchanged for goods and services.
to support my gambling problem
guys like you do grow on trees
cause homeless people smell like poopies
suffering is the American way
Fucking slaves.
because destroying peoples lives don't pay well unless you work in politics
I work just to take up a spot that a minority might fill one day.
I work to avoid living on the street.
i like to buy sneakers
i'd like to not work for living
because I didnt grow up in middle village
I have yet to meet anyone from middle village with a job, it's what florida is to old people... who arent old.
ahhh, vagina.
i love my job!
Just because i started my retirement at age 27 doesn't mean anything.
16 hour days for a playa hatin degree is paying off!
I work in order to watch the venus fly trap at work and see if it finally catches those flies that come around.
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