Full Version: What I think of you - my version
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Since we've posted here together for so long, all of us except for Arpi are beyond the petty baiting tactics we all (or some, if that was our style) used to try to put a knot in an ass and therefore create interesting msgbrd content and merriment. Therefore, I create this thread to try to profile, in a degrading manner, the people on this board. It's artifical, out of context, and uninspired by true circumstance & malice...sure, it is but what the fuck else do whe got, huh? Look around. Not much. But I digress...

Specifically, I discuss those who I feel have the skill-set to make me look foolish such that if anyone actually POSTS and decides to have a go, it may be an interesting reading. If you are not mentioned here, I'm already done with you - improve yourself.

Here is my list of those who over the years I've observed to have comparable, equal, or perhaps better, in certain respects, mental faculaties than me, ie those possessing the qualities necessary to degrade, humiliate and verbally thrash almost anyone on the planet. Alhabetically so not to imply superiority though Gooch would be last in such a list (to be explained):

- Arpi
- Galt
- GonzoStyle
- Gooch
- Hoon

Arpi - Tongue lashing specialist, quick, but I don't think hes got a sense of humor outside the cruelty of this context. He revels in his berating, and consequently, if one has hand at some point in an altercation you can rest assured he's sitting there fuming and pulling out hair. An unhappy fellow, who has demostrated that razor sharp wit doesn't bring personal fulfillment.

Galt - The only non-jew of the bunch (maybe Hoon too? Dunno, but he argues like one). Having grown up in the spoils and societal infuences of high society MA, an upper middle class wanna-be socialite, his smarts were sharpened in an climate where wealth status and mocking the differentiation of such was the primary sport next to hockey. With such a background he is cock full of dangerous quips and barbs, a well-armed arsenal that when strategically & skillfully utilized in the proper context, can make baby jesus cry....henceforth. If he didn't have red hair like BOZO and freckels that look like someone threw a drippy turd that bounced off a wall and splattered on his face, I'd almost respect the prick.

GonzoStyle - Brooklin, Sheepsheads Bay. Meaner than a muthafucker, you stupid cock sucker! Lived next to the KING. Nonetheless, often as neurotic as the screaming old chink woman one typically sees in the pictures as the US overruns a Gook camp and smashes her retarded son's head open with a rifle handle. Razor sharp though - but given his nature that can be neutralized. "If you learn to control that temper of yours, Posey, ain't nobody gonna take that knife away from you" (name the movie for bonus points)

Gooch - DOPEHEAD. Verbally impotent. Some of his postings hurt my eyes they are so fucking meandering or just plan unintelligible. But he can throw a verbal punch or two in distresss or by accident. No you can't handle this, dude - not in this sphere anyway. Other than dope, he seems to be one them art faggots. Though gay-it-be, I concede that he can make a throat-slitting jpeg. Unconventional but effective, HOMO.

Hoon - The drifter, the hotshot. Always a clever quip, can cut off nuts in a 7-word sentence, behead with haiku. Formidable indeeed. I like you even though you ARE Ken'sPen and I don't FUCKING care what anyone says. You stole his persona. He is him and you are him, fucker. Stop the shit. You will always be BlandPen in my mind.

So there are others that have demonstrated potential, had their moment in the sun at some point, can sling code around, etc. Again I refer to such people in a general way because they are indeed generally...inferior, but without spectators we'd have no one in additon to ourselves to show off to.

That's all the bullshit I got to dump out of this fucking insane brain of mine tonight I think. I find that if I don't purge, I have wet dreams that disturbingly revolve around scenarios involving razors and flesh and then I piss myself just before waking up screaming with blood and gashes on my arm having unwitting bit & tore at it mid-trance.
In thinking about this further, the nostalgia swirls back to the days where some douche like "OpiesNumberOneFan" or "NortonIsWonderful" would reply with something like, "HEY MAN, YOU SUCK! You haven't posted here or even logged on in months other than this string of mental diarhea you've smearing around here lately! You have nerve to tell us about POSTING."

You see, those that might be feeling like that right now (re: POSTing comment) or just felt that way for a nanosecond outside the context of "ooo that's clever and gonna hurt & fit well with what he's doing here", I'll bet a million dollars they are not on my list above. That's what I'm talking about. Simpleton motherfuckers. Linear. 1-D. A to B and fuck all if we never reach C. I miss throat fucking them so but now that's really it. I'm out, I'll make sure I turn the lights out and I'll leave the key under the doormat for the next person that graces us with their fookin presence.
Yeah and another thing since I'm feeling so mentally fragile and fucking sentimental - you'll notice I didn't mention Alkey up there because he quit and his asshole fell out or some shit like that, which I'm sure had nothing to do with mainline coke, anal nitrate, and Mistress Silera. That fuck.
Whoa looky here, when I came back to the board I thought i saw THE Sleeper logged on. The one and only. Bright lad. But notice he didn't make first cut, as being the object of Galt's unrequited man-boy lust doesn't make you a wordsmith, you would-be fuckstick.
Fuck this...

Gmann - You remind of Keyser Soze, the same man I'm convinced. Your cock does your thinking and from what I've seen, it types your messageboard content too. Seldom will this lead you to glory, the other 999 times it will lead to prison, you convict cocksheeps. Given the slim odds and to give credit, I refer of course to the Suzie episode which was brilliant and the only reason I mention him (or you). You unfortuately have no such thing if you are indeed you, unfortunately for you.

Keyser Soze - See above

Hedcold - You have the uncanny skill of always being there, a staple of the board, what's CDIH without seeing HedCold around? - that said, I view you as an inanimate object like the CDIH logo. Yep there it is.

Goatweed - Fucking Bill Cosby motherfucker. Johnny Homemaker. What would we do without you? Well say goodbye to our webhosting & the whole damn site, I guess. Anyway, you fucking straight arrow, lace curtained prick...that's all I got.

Drusilla - Loves to flash her tits in everyones face. She's says fuck me and follows it up with a kick to the nuts and here's my faggot sailor boyfriend with the neck the size of a redwood to rip them off. That said I can't think of anything mean to say about the little bumpy, seaman-slurping cockmagnet.

Jack - I'd write something in binary so you can understand it but I don't know any. All I know is the CDIH form of braille which I pass along to you here ... because when it comes to trying to be clever outside of the Microsopft ASP.NET 2.0 framework you are as good as blind, fucko.

Anybody else come to this shit hole? I'm rippin.
LAZ - You black sonnava, you black bastid, you black blackie. I heard you're doing good though and even got your grade school equivalent regarding the elementary requrierments for English writing & reading proficiency. Don't type anything please, ptretty please. Just hit the keys with that morey eel you got between your legs and hit enter so we know your there - hit once for yes, twice for no, and thrice for shut the fuck up honkus.

Hollywood - How could I forget this guy? My fellow Eagles compatriot. McNabb, the Man, No? That's right, NO. Black qtr backs and airline pilots - crash and burn on the football field or into it both at 500 MPH. Thank god daddy's rich, right bud? Lucky you. Afterall, heirs/heiresses turn out wonderfully. You're fucked up, dude, no matter what seres of Benz your dad bought you. Corey Fuckin Heimstein - but I give your wit some credit, that is until you meet your new future best friend cocaine. You there yet?
MAD - A possible real-life Skinhead or aspires to be, a definite gun-totting loon. Close to Hedcold in the stick-to-it-ness and the inanimate category. Concering the later, the differnence is he all of sudden pops out from the behind the curtain of insignificance and says something so absurd, you have to notice him in a more than superficial way, eg more than the post box - more specifically, just as you notice a scruffy drunk guy staggering toward as you walk down a dark alley - you notice, you're alert, you got one eye on the fucker until you have long passed him.

JAYS - I would have sworn you were a black guy the first time I seen you around in the day. Weird to think that, I know. I think it was the garbage pail kids thing. Anyway, then I saw you through binoculars, just kidding, you posted the pic where you look like an ass-starved fag or something. If Leonardo Decaprio had sex with Dumbo, it would be stupid, beneath my consideration, and have little to do with the fact that your ears stick out like a motherfucker. Also, your short stories are somehwat interesting when your on such a kick, but as they progress they get mind-numbingly dull. I could write circles around you, boy, but I think you can improve and for what reading this is doing for you, you're welcomed. Lastly, you're art forum is still there to your credit and if you first architecture project doesn't collapse as quick as that concept did you might get project #2.
seriously, gooch made it over me? gooch?
Putting you being the object of Galt's wanton lusts aside, you are lazy. You often express that whatever-ish attitude, literally or subtly, in your posting and most likely in all that you do (I like to extrapolate - the less reasonable, the better). As an example of the latter, I look at that post you just wrote and I think to myself is a guy that is so apathetic that he can't even capitalize the first letter of the first word of his sentences worthly of being on this elite list. The conclusion is simply to figure out. Now as an exercise, do a search of your posts. I did. You know what I saw? There was the first page and that's all I needed to see. You're no alpha, never were, just worked up and hyped by your pal. I could be wrong, I concede, but NEVER in my mind.
I know that quote but cant remember where from.
Hint: 12
Dirty Dozen!!!
Lee Marvin was such a bad ass but his movie career was less than stellar, he could have easily achieved Steve McQueen status for coolness but overall when you consider his military service and unlike most tough guy actors he was the real deal, he gets a pass for his lacking film resume. The man was a bad ass marine and is buried next to Joe Louis in arlington. Then again he mad some bad career choices as well, he turned down two of the greatest roles ever, Quint in Jaws & General Patton in Patton (which won george c. scott the oscar).
BING! - I could make a habit outta killin generals. But now...

FUNSNAPSADOODOO - Older lass, right? Philly I believe? You took a beating when you first got here. The riff-raff and Gonzo were tearin into you. You kinda replaced the crx cunt. She left, you came. Personally I believe you're an improvement since I'm not too big on the flirty fucky talk and I give less than half a shit about who Alkey tried to fuck last night at Bar 9 or wherever Flo fuckin worked, that looney bitch. So as I was saying, older, Philly, Doorsboard. Right? Yeah, you took some shit. Had some issues at first but learned to let them words bounce right off, didntcha? And here ya are, arentcha? Yeah...welcome to adulthood, we've been expecting you. You got moxy, Betty, if not a uterus. Lost that when I didn't know what one was, when I was as functionally illiterate as Laz was 2 years ago. You in NE Philly? If so, you can come by and let me degrade you in person if you ever get sick of using your Doors vinyl covers to rub yourself out to. But the question remains: Which of your neighbors will smell your corpse first and when?
It's like I just read my eulogy!!
But if I'm an old f'er so is Goatweed
BLOODY ANUS - Fuckin guy is the posting equivalent of the kid that turns his eyelids inside out and picks his boogers and eats them. I wanna throw up but I just can't keep from looking.
its true, my anger has not brought me personal fulfilment. i am so unhappy.
you see into the core of me.
i am also writhing in anger over what you wrote.
Sorry I forgot to mention your mastery of sarcasm.
I object to being called a skinhead, as most skinheads are morons.

The rest is quite accurate, people do notice that I'm a little "off" and it scares them. Fucking pussies.
That's it?

I'd be disappointed, but am incapable of feeling such negativity. Your dfilm ("A Snowy Day" or whatever it was called) production earned infinite immunity from any animosity, disgust, disappointment, or any other emotion that would cast you in an unfavorable light. You could post nothing but 'sweater midgets' in every single one of your posts, and it wouldn't change anything. It wouldn't make it any funnier, but still...
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