ok, ok, the changes are good and all but everytime i go to a topic i get sent to the bottom of the page. not really the bottom, but some sort of page limbo. it really sucks. i want to either go to the top of the thread or the bottom of the thread, not this half-assed between the last message and the reply box. it is ruining my life. i cant sleep, i cant eat, i am beating my girlfriend much more than usual. i blame keiser for all of this. he is the source of this evil and must be made to pay for it.
Arpi's straight now? Wow! This quote button thing really did screw him up....
Arpi has a quote-button fetish. :crackhead:
Those who can, do and those who can't, bitch about things
Quote:Those who can, do and those who can't, bitch about things
There is a bit of a comma problem there face. I will wait while you fix that.
Edited By Arpikarhu on April 15 2002 at 4:47
Hey at least you got to quote something right? That should give you a 2" chubby on that thing you call penis
Edited By Faceman on April 15 2002 at 4:22
I am still waiting
Edited By Arpikarhu on April 15 2002 at 4:45
this 3rd installmont of the quote button saga is turning out better then the sequal, but still not as exciting as the first
k,e,e,p, w,a,i,t,i,n,g, D,i,c,k,h,e,a,d
edit: By the way arpi, when using I as a pronoun, it should always be capitalized
Edited By Faceman on April 15 2002 at 4:33
Quote:By the way arpi, when using I as a pronoun, it should always be capitalized
Thanks, I fixed it.
Quote:i am beating my girlfriend much more than usual.
wow, it really is a cold day in hell, arpi did something to make sean proud, hardeeharhar
Arpi is Captain Typo. Look out....he'll get ya everytime :crackhead:
I too don't like the auto scroll to the last post/reply box. Just my 2 cents worth. I'm giving refunds at the door.
Anytime I can help you buddy, I'm there for you dude{

Quote:Arpi is Captain Typo. Look out....he'll get ya everytime
You hit the space bar too many times between "is", and "Captain".
<marquee><span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>Captain Typo to the Rescue!!!!</span></marquee>
Thanks, Arpi...now I will sleep better tonight