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Naked Gun 33 1/3
"The jew is using the black as muscle."
"Jesus, Grandma! You're short!"

"I'm shrinking."

Parenthood ?
BING! I knew sure as heck fire somebody would get it.

Am I right or am I right? Rrrright.. rrright...
"And no more goddamn jerky beef!"
diceisgod Wrote:"The jew is using the black as muscle."

Im still trying to figure out what thats from cause everytime I read it it makes me loff and loff and loff.
"Illinois Nazis"
"Why do you say these things when you know I will kill you for it?"
"You're bold, sir, but by God I'm bolder."
"Hold on....Fuck off"
"Now dee leg, eh!"
diceisgod Wrote:"Why do you say these things when you know I will kill you for it?"

"Oh, God."

"Let me go and I'll pardon you."
"Say it once, say it twice, third time's the charm & remember...

I'll eat anything you want me to eat
I'll swaller anything you want me to swaller
So call me right now and I'll...
Chew on a dog!

"But we must HAVE A SUITE! What's the score here? What's next?"
"Crush your enemies...see them driven before hear the lamentation of the women"
"...then get me one nurse that knows how to work in close without getting her tits in my way!"
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