Full Version: so, i finally got a job
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after about a 1 yr and 2 1/2 months, i finally got the job offer i was supposed to get but then had a bunch of stupid things happen. i then had unemployment. then i worked from home with a boring ass job that paid good money if i was actually motivated to put the hours in, but never really was.

but, at least i got two summers out of the deal. now i get to go back to waking up at god awful early times.

only regret i really have is not taking more trips to cool places, but even though i had some money saved i couldn't just blow it all because i didn't know when they'd finally get their shit together and finally make me this offer.

also since its for con edison, i missed all the stupid heat wave bullshit that usually happens, so i don't have to worry about that for like 9-10 months. i do have to worry about getting my ass to work on snow days though. that'll suck.
You should make Sleeper your underling.
What position was it for?
its just an office job for Manhattan Operations. its similar to stuff i was doing as an intern, but i'll probably have more responsibilities. i'll also more pull in trying to get access to information to make my job easier.

i'll be working with engineering people but my background is comp sci, so i'll be doing more with information gathering from all their databases. one example is tracking employee development, and making sure they took all the safety classes they're legally supposed to take to do their job, as well as classes they need to fulfill their union requirements.

i'll be management, not union, but won't have anyone working under me
Quote:i'll be working with engineering people but my background is comp sci, so i'll be doing more with information gathering from all their databases. one example is tracking employee development, and making sure they took all the safety classes they're legally supposed to take to do their job, as well as classes they need to fulfill their union requirements.

Make sure to update that info in your dept's section of the DRP
I just say that so when your boss does you'll look under your bed when you get home. Another piece of evidence of how a little bit of general operational and procedural knowledge goes a long way in being a douchebag.
HedCold Wrote:.

one example is tracking employee development, and making sure they took all the safety classes they're legally supposed to take to do their job, as well as classes they need to fulfill their union requirements.

that's what lush did one of the times she worked for jetblue. no comp sci degree necessary.
whoa whoa, who is this "danielle" person?
Can you get me a job? As you can see, I have experience.

