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...Keyser's first parole hearing and what are his chances?
I thought he'd be back once the Mets finished their flush-away season but he hasn't surfaced yet.
I hope he and Keyser Jr. are well.
Hopefully, he's being gang raped daily as the bitch on the block.
deadlaughter2: O:-)
deadlaughter2: Congrats. Was it a boy or a girl?
soupsoupad: 3:-O
soupsoupad: it was the spawn of satan
deadlaughter2: How long is ther parole stretch?
soupsoupad: 8 to 9 months
soupsoupad: give or take
deadlaughter2: So was it a boy or a girl or what color was the mother?
deadlaughter2: Why did you kill that guy anyway?
soupsoupad: shes was jamacian
deadlaughter2: Were they able to sew it back omn and why did the bitch do it?
soupsoupad: he was asking for it
deadlaughter2: Did she use one of your knives or did she bring her dentures?
soupsoupad: pearing knife
deadlaughter2: Sorry to hear about your face
deadlaughter2: Your were pretty handsome
deadlaughter2: Maybe still as a nose isn't the be all and end
deadlaughter2: I'm sorry for your loss & extend my condolences
deadlaughter2: But your mother wasn't that good a lay anyway
soupsoupad: thanks champ
soupsoupad: that means so much
deadlaughter2: At least for you
deadlaughter2: Some chick got you busy?
deadlaughter2: Even after the hernia surgery?
soupsoupad: indeed
soupsoupad: well like rotator cuff it comes back stronger than before
soupsoupad: tommy john cock surgery
deadlaughter2: Nothing to lose now as you can't cqatch AID twice
soupsoupad: exactly
soupsoupad: double jeopardy
deadlaughter2: AIDS....ugh...I butchered that one
deadlaughter2: But you understand that
soupsoupad: its ok champ i do
deadlaughter2: You were the ground meat of posting
soupsoupad: is that good?
deadlaughter2: So anyway, gotta run
deadlaughter2: FUCKFACE
soupsoupad: ciao
soupsoupad: baby
he should come back.
One conclusion can be drawn and almost be stated with near 100% certainty from this e-convo: He at least has one of his hands still and maybe this hand has at least one finger or a sufficiently adequatly extended nub - such as is required for replying and moreover replying in a somewhat timely fashion.

Either that or he was using his cock again, that fucking freak.
I'd assume the latter.
I'm no jet-setting karoeke specialist but I'd say my lifestyle is "typical" compared to most.

So what I mean is how and why do posters just disappear as if trolling this place and posting a comment when the mood strikes now and again is like some kind of giant emotional, physical, mental, etc stretch?

I just don't get it....nor care really outside general curiosity.
edited 2 times in total

who cares
Ever see Kill Bill Vol 2?

Wanna see my Eagle Claw?
I'll just do tai chi invisible man
now you see me, now you don't
Buy an eye patch and lots of gauze first.
and by cool kids I meant goatweed of course..
Dennis mentioned keyser to me last week and it wasn't until that point that I even remembered he posted here. I guess snaps filled his place here quite well, so he wasn't missed much.
And why did Sleeper pull an Ikea Boy and disappear?
He has a lot of not fucking or working to do.
I'd say maybe somebody hit him too close to the mark and then pride took over.

Pride is better than Houdini ever was as disappearances and "run-offs" never cease and are forever because pride has no mortal shell to abuse & lose. Pride need only a "facilitator" and when I die the next will take over the act.