Full Version: Happy Birthday Gonzo
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OKH - Just tell the guy you think he's a kook and be done with it. Cmon, man. Just man-up. He'll understand. He might look like a big psychopath but he's really a pussy cat and a reasonable man.
I never offered B-day well-wishes or presents but in this case I made an exception. Though it's nothing he hasn't long suspected, I have provided clear and incontrovertible evidence that people are liars, phony & really hate THE GonzoStyle....except me of course as I'm not a liar nor a phony.

Happy Birthday, pal!
Ok....I do lie sometimes but not on the scale of those complicite in & responsible for this "GonzoStyle Fan Club" sham. He is indeed a wonderful man.

But if so supposedly loved & adored, where the fuck is everyone & where have they been? Well I'm right here and tomorrow similarly. However, I dare say that tomorrow or subseqently til maybe next November late, you won't, you phony GS lover you.
Ive been scorned by GS. So I removed myself in order to show him the err of his ways.
By the way I'd look pretty foolish if about 50 posters were taking GS out on the town right this very minute for milk & cookies for his birthday. However, I'd wager he and his cat are having a private party. Risks are fun though so I dare and will wait & see.
Im calling the SPCA.
Rooner Wrote:Ive been scorned by GS. So I removed myself in order to show him the err of his ways.

Running soap opera static & gloss-over does not change fact. Anyway, I'll see you tomorrow at your usual haunt and I'm sure GS is very grateful for your well-wishes.
Its a date.
it was a glorious day indeed, i went to work, then went and got a laptop, then went to school.... fin
Happy belated birthday.
GonzoStyle Wrote:it was a glorious day indeed, i went to work, then went and got a laptop, then went to school.... fin
Even the mundane is spectacular.
happy bday, Gonzybaby.
Rooner Wrote:
GonzoStyle Wrote:it was a glorious day indeed, i went to work, then went and got a laptop, then went to school.... fin
Even the mundane is spectacular.
every day should be Gonzo day

*I can't help myself!
Now I understand the death wishes.
ok fine, everyday should be Rooner day

wait... who are you? lolololerz
funsnapsdyno Wrote:who are you?

He is my project on another board as you are my project here. FYI you both will be having an e-posting e-death e-match of e-wits as a e-final "senior thesis". The e-survivor/graduate will almost be considered my e-equal.
diceisgod Wrote:
funsnapsdyno Wrote:who are you?

He is my project on another board as you are my project here. FYI you both will be having an e-posting e-death e-match of e-wits as a e-final "senior thesis". The e-survivor/graduate will almost be considered my e-equal.
a project? so our e-bonding over these past couple months was not real... I'm saddened.
You're now one step closer. Good job.
oh man i forgot to say happy birthday here!!! oh noes.
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