Full Version: Goatweed - The Rock, The Man....but he's making me insane
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diceisgod Wrote:Anybody know how long the Cocksucker Convention in Houston is?

Got back late last night. Was not a convention, but rather negotiations to secure 400 acres of deepwater propertly in the Gulf of Mexico lcoated next to the Tahiti Project for a client of mine. Very sucessfull trip and I forgot about all this crap, so you need to remind me lil joe.
Goatweed Wrote:soccer balls = pregnancy then? I had no idea.

both require a swift kick
tell me about it.
just did
Better do it slower
Quote:so you need to remind me lil joe

What happened was this: Superman flew away to look for a world with a need becasue he knows you have everything well under control.
Ahh, that's right, I remember now.
diceisgod Wrote:Better do it slower

or with sensible wording & sentence structure - oh wait, he did. Take notes.
sink Wrote:
diceisgod Wrote:Anybody know how long the Cocksucker Convention in Houston is?

Got back late last night. Was not a convention, but rather negotiations to secure 400 acres of deepwater propertly in the Gulf of Mexico lcoated next to the Tahiti Project for a client of mine. Very sucessfull trip and I forgot about all this crap, so you need to remind me lil joe.

Jus throwing this out there, but I get a real "oooh, ooooh, notice me and my success" type vibe from this guy. If dig finds fault with him, I say its well placed.
Rooner Wrote:
sink Wrote:
diceisgod Wrote:Anybody know how long the Cocksucker Convention in Houston is?

Got back late last night. Was not a convention, but rather negotiations to secure 400 acres of deepwater property in the Gulf of Mexico located next to the Tahiti Project for a client of mine. Very successful trip and I forgot about all this crap, so you need to remind me lil joe.

Jus throwing this out there, but I get a real "oooh, ooooh, notice me and my success" type vibe from this guy. If dig finds fault with him, I say its well placed.

Oh I'm sure DIG finds fault with me, but alas I am not here to look good or attain good measure with your fine boards member base. The context has a point and if your perceived that reaction about me from above post, point accomplished.

You see, DIG and I have a brief and rocky history, but we are working our differences out like adults now. It could happen here or on various other boards, i don't care, but it is playing here.

I could go into History 101: Period_past two weeks - but it would be boring and meaningless in the minds of users here, but could help you understand the out of context post.

But again, you will indeed find faults with me as well. Most people have them, others are fake as fuck.
Your need to clarify to me is the first fault I find. Good job.
glad i made it easy.
Im not too bright, so I appreciate the softball.
sink is ok

Rooner...he's an Indian. But even though he don't lie about it & try to BS you, he's still an Indian. Watch your wife & your wallet.
Rooner Wrote:Jus throwing this out there, but I get a real "oooh, ooooh, notice me and my success" type vibe from this guy. If dig finds fault with him, I say its well placed.

BTW I will throw this out there too: Anyone that IrishAlkey & Silera hate & want to fist fight...I trust him implicitly.
Rooner Wrote:Your need to clarify to me is the first fault I find. Good job.

Report Card: A+

Also & for making me triple post to a volley because of it's awesomeness, I award you this post here as a Ceritificate of Acheivement. Congrats on this that is your most worthless personal acheivement/milestone EVER.
I can die now.
Tell me about the Alkey & Silera situation. Let's reopen the old wounds so I can council you and prepare you for when I bait them back here to scream at you again. I can help you win this time as I'm what they call..."The Best".
I always win, because I dont give a fuck about you, them, or anyone else.

The gist of the situation, comments were taken out of context and the situation was blown out of proportion, which Im sure Pat and Sil would also attest to.

I blame Laz and Ninny.
"Giving a fuck" is irrelevance but that said, try these out once the battle starts:

"Oh Silera you're so pretty and seductive, so sassy & witty too. I bet after about 10 beers you look & sound just as classy"

"Alkey, if karma existed and smote people it would also seem to have a sense of the fitting and ironic. You got off easy though as DIG would ultimately be turned completely inside out"
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