Now gimme some fuckin' cash!
Anyway a little known fact: Me & a few or whatever buddies used to go Christmas carolling door to door when we were grade-schoolers. We did good too cashwise though we probably sounded awful. But also as far as the present goes....
"No more shines, Billy"
you ripped off the Kinks
When I was small I believed in santa claus
Though I knew it was my dad
And I would hang up my stocking at christmas
Open my presents and Id be glad
But the last time I played father christmas
I stood outside a department store
A gang of kids came over and mugged me
And knocked my reindeer to the floor
They said:
Father christmas, give us some money
Dont mess around with those silly toys.
Well beat you up if you dont hand it over
We want your bread so dont make us annoyed
Give all the toys to the little rich boys
Dont give my brother a steve austin outfit
Dont give my sister a cuddly toy
We dont want a jigsaw or monopoly money
We only want the real mccoy
Father christmas, give us some money
Well beat you up if you make us annoyed
Father christmas, give us some money
Dont mess around with those silly toys
But give my daddy a job cause he needs one
Hes got lots of mouths to feed
But if youve got one, Ill have a machine gun
So I can scare all the kids down the street
Father christmas, give us some money
We got no time for your silly toys
Well beat you up if you dont hand it over
Give all the toys to the little rich boys
Have yourself a merry merry christmas
Have yourself a good time
But remember the kids who got nothin
While youre drinkin down your wine
Father christmas, give us some money
We got no time for your silly toys
Well beat you up if you dont hand it over
We want your bread, so dont make us annoyed
Give all the toys to the little rich boys
...and you "made up" that song above all by yourself? Right?
Granted, I'm impressed that you know & like the Kinks. They rule AND it was a nice "parallel thought" that you've connected here (though I wasn't even thinking about them...but you won't believe that...whatever...).
However, your interpretation skills are shit. If I TRULY "ripped them", what precisely do you think you would have uncovered here? Where would the "scandal" be? What "mysteries of life" would have been revealed? Or....are there "points" to be earned that I am unaware?
'No's' all around. There is no such nonsense.
You argue everything and remind me of a lawyer. And of course I know and like the Kinks...I was raised on WMMR and Piere Roberts just like you were.. AMIRITE!
I would assume you are indeed right and do indeed like The Kinks. I can't confirm nor discredit this claim.
and you talk about my reading comprehension skills?!?
funsnapsdyno Wrote:and you talk about my reading comprehension skills?!?
If you are sincerely asking me: Yes, I did and still do.
If you mock me and think you somehow "got me": Yes, I did and still do.
Maybe quit now while the shame is not so great.