that would be awesome if eddie shuts this place down right now & he's stuck at 9999 forever
we could just lock him out of his account or something
Say abracadabra and then all of a sudden 9999 turns to 9.
Now you got a little taste of my lot.
funsnapsdyno Wrote:diceisgod Wrote:Then swear up & down you are not you & that Keyser is sadistic & cruel filth.
whatever happened to that guy?
So seriously.
Whatever happened to him? I want to tell him he was right. His brutal honesty in posts was something I wanted to deny at the time.
No idea. I harrass him on AIM once in a while so he's still alive. I guess that he perhaps did something stupid, like either got arrested, married, knocked up some skirt, or some combo of these.
Oh that makes sense. If he did do jail time, he probably got married too. And I'm guessing he was the one in white.
Keyser is actually making a dent in the sports blogging industry.