I make no such claims but do indeed relish your frustration. If that makes me the "puppet master" then whatever but I won't be ordering any such vanity plates anytime soon.
My point is exactly this: blah blah blah bullshit bullshit bullshit. You're right.
You think it's "cheesy" or whatever. I think it amusing. Moreover, I think you think these things not because you are somehow more awesome or "above it" or "smarter" or because you can "see through" me or anything at all. No.
I think it's because you're a twit and you got absolutely nothing next to me. Never have. Never will...outside of flirty talk that is.
you do realize that 90% of the above post made no sense.
you write like an autistic monkey. no syntax, no coherence. any point you try to make
gets lost and becomes gibberish. You may think you are being amusing, or edgy but no one
sees that because you have the communication skills of donkey.
Which part of the above, absolutely clear, and tight post of mine do you need me to explain?
You see, when you stray from the path of your 2-3 strengths such as sarcasm or repetition or flirting with little girls half your age...you really show your ass and my superiority.
that you think it was a clear and tight post displays your lack of ability to form clear and concise sentences.
i am not trying to play to "strengths", i am just pointing out that you post inane and crap that amuses no one but yourself. you make no sense, you blather on about shit no one gives a damn about, and it is all so obviously forced that it has become pitiable.
thats all i have to say. you suck, we all know it, now you do to.
Wow you are so venomous it's really very alarming so I'll be sure to tiptoe around you as best I can. I sure as sure don't want to go the same way as a Maynard or a OAS or the other countless you have exposed and doggedly trolled & chastised until they ran away in tears & frustration.
I am even moreso grateful that I am a male and you don't have any of my nudie pics stored on your drive. If so, you might decide to circulate & post them about the web w/o my permission after I refuse your creepy & relentless flirty-fucky talk & advances.
I'm just curious though...What do you think it is about you that contributes the most to the ladies ultmately running away in disgust after interacting with you and your fourty-five flirty talk bologna?
Is it the simple fact you're a 40-something Internet creep & sexual predator? Or is it the fact you look like a duck with a yarmucca that got throttled with a cast iron draddle? Or is it both?
I assume that was an attempt to zing me in some way?
as equally pathetic and childish as most of your posts.
I actually laughed out loud at the attempt.
the first time i have ever laughed at anything you have posted.
so kudos to you, i guess.
as a side note, your spelling is a fucking joke. you spell things phonetically like
a goddamn retard.
My memory's pretty solid but I admit I'm not 100% about all the facts about you...it was years ago. I do know though the main point is true: You're a virtual chicken hawk in both practice and appearance.
So laugh and laugh and correct my spelling and claim I'm a babbling idiot and whatever else you think you got...whoopie.
I can out-write, out-think, and out-an-out virtually smack you around with ease. I tool around and say i ran this one off and that one off and so on, but look at your own resume. You're a trolling cocksucker with next to nothing else to show for yourself as "arpikarhu".
So my point is, you can hate me all you like but when you persist and persist and troll and troll like you have been known to do, to me....just keep in mind that I ain't one of the dimwits stoners & whores on your resume' of run-off's and skeeved-out's. Just remember that and also...
I"M THE MAN!!...AND YOU....YOU....you're a sonnova bitch! A sonnova bitch! WOOOO!
i dont hate you. i pity you.
you are delusional, peurile, emotionally stunted, and obviously poorly educated.
you go on thinking that you are the bad-ass of the internet. get the small feeling of self-empowerment that you are not getting from your sad little life away from your computer. whatever gets you through the day.
it's great to see you two getting along.
Try & try as I may, it's official now I think: I just can't dislike arpikarhu, just on principle alone, & no matter how much of a wretch he think/claim I amhu.
I think it's the screen name maybe as it's just a merry & jolly name to sayhu. It's like trying to hate a Muppet: Impossible.
Incidentially, it's ego clashes like this that killed great bands like Led Zepplin and subsequently spawn these desperate, geriatric, and pathetic "reunion" tours.
we will never have a reunion tour.
Exactly. If it never worked then it must be that it can't be fixed.
To try is folly...Might as well throw sandbags in the ocean.
Plus there is no way to profit from such a venture alas.
it can be billed as the Dighu tour 2008