04-20-2008, 04:29 PM
I have been working a sports blogger over the course of a year with some modest success (sponsored sites and some press).
As Galt seems to have gotten himself going with some political ones (which I look forward into following), I am also trying to gain a spot on a sponsored site in the political arena. In the meantime, I'd like some feedback on my first foray into it.
![[Image: 2062845820103384654S425x425Q85.jpg]](http://inlinethumb25.webshots.com/22168/2062845820103384654S425x425Q85.jpg)
Democrat Puppet Theater
So, you thought that the world was suddenly going to change when George W. Bush’s presidency curtains start to drop. That the Democrats would ride in quickly, sweeping up the country into some fervor and bestial momentum. Perhaps you thought we’d have been all a sweeping mass behind the new Clinton regime. That Bill Clinton would be heaving left hooks and uppercuts in the shadows as Hillary and her cultivated quaff took over the camera lens.
Oh, but you’d be mistaken.
Perhaps you thought it would start with all those Nancy Pelosi Democrat surveys that came to you over the years would suddenly have made the regime change in congress even more important. These surveys were done long before they took back House. The woman who took the temperature constantly of their own base should know exactly what to do and how to do it. Right? They came in with big talk, and then petered out like a 2007 Mets team after the all-star break. And now all the Democrats seem to do is react to the buffoon and his keepers who still has power in the White House.
The illusion is that the Democrats have any power just yet. This seemed to be held with much hope by those under the onslaught of the self-righteous and pathological scripts of our current power's playwrights. Instead, we are stuck with the constant love affair with microphones with sound bites, but do little else. Politics these days have become all hot air with all sorts of the same old talk, and many in the audience have tuned them out.
But lets fade back from the Democrats who sit on their hands in the House. No rescue from them just yet. Let's come back to the election process that has many of us enthralled, hoping, pining, with fists clenched for some sort of change of pace and direction with a change of administration.
The landscape was primed for a new voice. And Barack Obama broke through the democratic system and same-old rhetoric with that new voice, and seemed to have turned expectations inside-out. Many of the younger base along with those independents have abandoned the lackluster "only choice" Clintons, who really did nothing to solidify the fellowship during Bill’s time, nor even Hillary’s. Instead, Obama puts forth belief. Believe in me, he says. And the people haven’t heard any honest breath to their jaded ears for a long, long time. So they have believed, with many dollars and with enough power to not only take on the Democratic establishment, but to actually pull ahead.
But now, the establishment and the new voice are locked in a powerful embrace. It is powerful bear hug, which might actually stifle the future election it is continues. For Obama, despite such a new exciting breath, is beleaguered by being young and without much track record. And because of that, it allows many old guard cling to the Clinton ether, thinking that somehow, by being a President’s wife, this is somehow more experience.
Sure she experienced the pressures and the day-to-day of the White House. And sure, she did take on some projects. But when Bill’s oily breath alludes to that he would talk to Hillary about everything in the White House as support for the never-ending experience debate, is where it all begins to fall flat. A man who has one of the most lurid public affairs in history tells his wife everything? And even if, one can make the argument that Bill’s priest who takes his confessional can also run for office. Being a "listener" does not make one experienced. Nor does holding or fielding opinion.
The fact is that Hillary is being rejected by the democratic base dynamics. And those clinging on, are those who do not want to face facts about their own horse, who is now racing with a gimpy leg. This is not to say that Obama is exactly the bee’s knees. But merely that it is why the Clinton support is dripping and now streaming over to the other side. The arguments built on fantasy have slipped away. The campaign that pinned her as establishment backfired. Her war vote. Almost everything, even gaffes along the long campaign stretch, though not as big as Obama’s at times, have had more catastrophic results. Why? Because her house of cards is weaker. Her campaign was built on a weak structure that they thought people would keep swallowing. Instead, it is rickety and crumbling. And as it falls away, she and the campaign has sucked onto Obama's rise, weighing that down as well.
The result is that the Clinton name is slowly becoming a democratic albatross. The same old talk, debates and so many years of NeoCon mouthpieces have made the masses yearn for new things. New ideas. The Republican candidate is a "former" middle-of-the-road maverick, John McCain, who the Conservatives loathe. This man was once considered unelectable, and his new words and juggling act has not convinced the base stalwarts of the extreme Right otherwise, despite being the clear nominee. A man who most know has a vicious temper, a impatient disposition, and who has changed his message several times to get to where he currently is. The Democrat emerging, if it continues, is a newbie full of vim, vigor and new ideas. A battle is set, but we must wait.
We wait on Pennsylvania of all places, begging for it to provide a finishing blow to either the winds in Obama’s sails or to finally crush the Clinton parade. Meawhile, a plodding steamroller of mistakes and duplicitous verbiage that sits entrenched as we all wait for someone to kick this ass and the administration that uses his limited brain cells to further their own cause. The fool on the hill does more than be just voyeur . . .
OR just quack.
Because his keepers are still scribbling making policies.
As Galt seems to have gotten himself going with some political ones (which I look forward into following), I am also trying to gain a spot on a sponsored site in the political arena. In the meantime, I'd like some feedback on my first foray into it.
![[Image: 2062845820103384654S425x425Q85.jpg]](http://inlinethumb25.webshots.com/22168/2062845820103384654S425x425Q85.jpg)
Democrat Puppet Theater
So, you thought that the world was suddenly going to change when George W. Bush’s presidency curtains start to drop. That the Democrats would ride in quickly, sweeping up the country into some fervor and bestial momentum. Perhaps you thought we’d have been all a sweeping mass behind the new Clinton regime. That Bill Clinton would be heaving left hooks and uppercuts in the shadows as Hillary and her cultivated quaff took over the camera lens.
Oh, but you’d be mistaken.
Perhaps you thought it would start with all those Nancy Pelosi Democrat surveys that came to you over the years would suddenly have made the regime change in congress even more important. These surveys were done long before they took back House. The woman who took the temperature constantly of their own base should know exactly what to do and how to do it. Right? They came in with big talk, and then petered out like a 2007 Mets team after the all-star break. And now all the Democrats seem to do is react to the buffoon and his keepers who still has power in the White House.
The illusion is that the Democrats have any power just yet. This seemed to be held with much hope by those under the onslaught of the self-righteous and pathological scripts of our current power's playwrights. Instead, we are stuck with the constant love affair with microphones with sound bites, but do little else. Politics these days have become all hot air with all sorts of the same old talk, and many in the audience have tuned them out.
But lets fade back from the Democrats who sit on their hands in the House. No rescue from them just yet. Let's come back to the election process that has many of us enthralled, hoping, pining, with fists clenched for some sort of change of pace and direction with a change of administration.
The landscape was primed for a new voice. And Barack Obama broke through the democratic system and same-old rhetoric with that new voice, and seemed to have turned expectations inside-out. Many of the younger base along with those independents have abandoned the lackluster "only choice" Clintons, who really did nothing to solidify the fellowship during Bill’s time, nor even Hillary’s. Instead, Obama puts forth belief. Believe in me, he says. And the people haven’t heard any honest breath to their jaded ears for a long, long time. So they have believed, with many dollars and with enough power to not only take on the Democratic establishment, but to actually pull ahead.
But now, the establishment and the new voice are locked in a powerful embrace. It is powerful bear hug, which might actually stifle the future election it is continues. For Obama, despite such a new exciting breath, is beleaguered by being young and without much track record. And because of that, it allows many old guard cling to the Clinton ether, thinking that somehow, by being a President’s wife, this is somehow more experience.
Sure she experienced the pressures and the day-to-day of the White House. And sure, she did take on some projects. But when Bill’s oily breath alludes to that he would talk to Hillary about everything in the White House as support for the never-ending experience debate, is where it all begins to fall flat. A man who has one of the most lurid public affairs in history tells his wife everything? And even if, one can make the argument that Bill’s priest who takes his confessional can also run for office. Being a "listener" does not make one experienced. Nor does holding or fielding opinion.
The fact is that Hillary is being rejected by the democratic base dynamics. And those clinging on, are those who do not want to face facts about their own horse, who is now racing with a gimpy leg. This is not to say that Obama is exactly the bee’s knees. But merely that it is why the Clinton support is dripping and now streaming over to the other side. The arguments built on fantasy have slipped away. The campaign that pinned her as establishment backfired. Her war vote. Almost everything, even gaffes along the long campaign stretch, though not as big as Obama’s at times, have had more catastrophic results. Why? Because her house of cards is weaker. Her campaign was built on a weak structure that they thought people would keep swallowing. Instead, it is rickety and crumbling. And as it falls away, she and the campaign has sucked onto Obama's rise, weighing that down as well.
The result is that the Clinton name is slowly becoming a democratic albatross. The same old talk, debates and so many years of NeoCon mouthpieces have made the masses yearn for new things. New ideas. The Republican candidate is a "former" middle-of-the-road maverick, John McCain, who the Conservatives loathe. This man was once considered unelectable, and his new words and juggling act has not convinced the base stalwarts of the extreme Right otherwise, despite being the clear nominee. A man who most know has a vicious temper, a impatient disposition, and who has changed his message several times to get to where he currently is. The Democrat emerging, if it continues, is a newbie full of vim, vigor and new ideas. A battle is set, but we must wait.
We wait on Pennsylvania of all places, begging for it to provide a finishing blow to either the winds in Obama’s sails or to finally crush the Clinton parade. Meawhile, a plodding steamroller of mistakes and duplicitous verbiage that sits entrenched as we all wait for someone to kick this ass and the administration that uses his limited brain cells to further their own cause. The fool on the hill does more than be just voyeur . . .
OR just quack.
Because his keepers are still scribbling making policies.