ok.. I also want 100 on the bald guy too.

Quote:And I never said Arpi couldnt call out a mod. I said he couldnt call out one without a FUCKING REASON. Calling someone out as a joke, especially a Mod, is not only wrong, but intensely fucking stupid.
If you are being serious, this is without a doubt the dumbest fuckin thing I've ever read on this message board. "Especially a Mod"?!?!?!!? Lose the fuckin ego Sephuauat.
Either i'm losing my sarcasm detection senses or Seph has lost his mind.
do i have to send all you boys to your rooms? because i will...

Right behind ya crx

shouldn't this be under the "pussy fight" thread?
Arpiloveyou...can we make a fresh, new start :loveya: Don't do me no wrong...
My fight with Arpi still = more gooder
Quote:shouldn't this be under the "pussy fight" thread?
Or just in BTS. :moonie:
Quote:Or just in BTS.
Yea, but then Gonzo would just leak it out.

Either maynard or seph better die so I can steal their mod powers and overtake Sean and become the people's(more like tyrannical dictator) ruler of the fora.
Quote:Silly me. In that case, then anyone that starts a thread calling me out, I'm going to have to ban them now. Because after all, by your logic, that means they're questioning my authority right?
note to self... start new thread for Maynard tomorrow.:burnfucker:
I don't know what this is about, but mods do suck.
Quote:Either maynard or seph better die so I can steal their mod powers and overtake Sean and become the people's(more like tyrannical dictator) ruler of the fora.
Proof that AM doesn't do anything. {

And Moron, don't you know that you'll never be banned? You'll just get thrown in the hole forever.