[img]<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.imperialmotorsports.com/otpics/Would%20You%20Hit%20It%20I'll%20Declare%20War%20On%20Those%20Who%20wouldnt.jpg">http://www.imperialmotorsports.com/otpi ... ouldnt.jpg</a><!-- m -->[/img]
can we all agree that geralo is a stupid mother fucker, and knows nothing, therefore can not be a "middle east expert"???
**edit: HonestReporting.com notes that the "credibility of Palestinian 'witnesses'
was barely questioned (despite the horrific Palestinian history of
fabricating false claims)," and that "equal space was not given to Israeli
spokesmen to present their case regarding Jenin." The organization raises
the following questions to the British media:
"Why did these articles fail to explain that sending Israeli soldiers in
for ground combat puts soldiers in grave danger, but greatly minimizes
civilian casualties?
"Why not contrast this to the huge damage (in comparison) wrought by the
powerful bombs dropped by planes - an option Israel did not use in Jenin,
but which American and Europeans used in every war including Afghanistan,
to avoid risking their soldiers in such operations. No other army in the
world would have acted as the IDF.
"Why does the British media gloss over the facts of the fierce fighting
that occurred in Jenin? Why do they not clarify that hundreds of
Palestinian gunmen were consistently firing on Israeli soldiers? With such
large numbers of gunmen insisting on "fighting to the death," there are
bound to be numerous casualties.
"Why does the media fail to mention that much of the devastation in Jenin
was caused not by Israeli soldiers, but by Palestinians themselves blowing
up buildings in attempts to kill IDF soldiers. In fact, 13 soldiers died in
one such booby-trapped building.
"Why did these article fail to describe how in many cases Palestinian
militants refused to let Palestinian civilians leave Jenin -- a strategy
which undoubtedly contributed to more civilian casualties? In terms of the
deaths of civilians, the catalyst for the whole Jenin operation was the
daily slaughter of Israeli civilians at the hands of Palestinian
terrorists. This was a defensive war that Israel did not choose. Contrast
how Palestinians are specifically targeting civilians, whereas Israel is
targeting those terrorists who kill civilians.
"Why do these refugee camps exist in the first place? The camps are in
Area A - territory totally controlled by Arafat and the Palestinian
Authority. Arafat received hundreds of millions of dollars in international
aid, yet these refugees have never been given adequate housing and
facilities by Arafat. Why not?"
The entire article can be seen at
Edited By Cunt-Twat on April 19 2002 at 1:38
but he looks like he might be part pakastani. {:o}
I don't know about Geraldo. I thought it was pretty great when he was getting shot at on live tv.
they should've killed him. he annoys me to know end. he has no idea what he's talking about yet fox insists on keeping him as an expert. yech!
Look on the bright-side at least he isn't Sean Hannity.
my mom loves sean hannity!! you just don't like him cuz he's pro-israel! {

Nah I hate him because he thinks that left-wingers are going to poison the youth and rape women.
Quote:Nah I hate him because he thinks that left-wingers are going to poison the youth and rape women.
hmmm...he has some good ideas there.maybe i should start paying attention to him so that i can kill me some young commies.anybody know where i can find a 12-15 year old commie cell to eliminate?
Quote:anybody know where i can find a 12-15 year old commie cell to eliminate?
go to AM's house. sorry, i thought you said 12 to 15 year old commie, not commie cell. my bad
I'm sure you will be laughing when I send you to the gulags Apri.
The report that got me started was from an ISREALI GENERAL saying that hundreds of civilians had been killed, then a few hours later saying it was a mistake and it was dozens killed and hundreds injured, then coming out and saying noone killed and a few dozen injured. Sounded like a load of crap cover-up to me.
And is any media outlet in the US covering the Isreali soldiers who are refusing to fight because of what they've seen and what they beleive?
I'll wait for the UN investigation. I don't trust either side as far as I can throw a tank at them. I hope the UN finds something horrible for the simple fact it will force them to act like we did in Afghanistan.
And again C-T, we didn't bomb civilian population centers in Afghanistan. It simply didn't happen. We bombed confirmed training camps, caves, and open spaces and valleys. We let the Afghan rebels go into the population centers and fight with our guys showing them how. If you think Isreali is so much more moral than the US, feel free to move at any time.
Quote:And again C-T, we didn't bomb civilian population centers in Afghanistan. It simply didn't happen. We bombed confirmed training camps, caves, and open spaces and valleys. We let the Afghan rebels go into the population centers and fight with our guys showing them how. If you think Isreali is so much more moral than the US, feel free to move at any time.
dent, if you think that there were no civilian casualties in afghanistan, you should probably do some research. in WW2, there was 20x more german civilains than there were americans, were we wrong in doing that? the only required book in palestinian high schools is mein kampf(sp). what is that telling you about the palestinian administration? i would love to see the palestinian people have a homeland, but not under arafat or any member of the plo. arafat until 1993 was the #1 person on the US' terrorist list, much like bin laden is today. he was taken off to try to prove himself a statesmen, he has yet to do so.
edit- the israeli soldiers refusing to serve in the "occupied territories" number in the 100's. the number of people who volunteered to serve in the same areas, are more than 2000. so what is your point?
Edited By Cunt-Twat on April 20 2002 at 9:08
nope, still very much un-hot.
Can one of you two blow-hards explain to me why you are so concerned with this? I mean truthfully, aren't there better things with which you could occupy your time? Again, let's make America a better place before we get involved in this other shit. Of course, I understand that some things do have a direct effect on the US. But, gimme a break.
k1d, i only care about this cuz unlike most of this board, i spent many years living in israel, and can personally speak of the situation going on in israel.
and some people think it's hot!!
Comeon kid that naked chick that represents the French Revolution is hot.
The whole thing just smacks of self-importance. Or maybe flexing of the political knowledge muscle. Either way, I don't get the fascination.
CT, intelligent people are very much attractive. However, political debates are still a turn-off.

Quote:CT, intelligent people are very much attractive. However, political debates are still a turn-off.
i don't discuss this in public, only on the computer, cuz i feel all smart!
Well I never thought I would see the day when there would be intellegent conversation on this board. I really thought the people on this board were a bunch of fucked up people. Bravo!!!!!!!
Seriously, My wish is that Israel would go somewhere else so we could watch most of the Arab nations kill each other. The U.S. and Israel provide these nations with a common enemy. If we left, the Arabs would start slaughtering each other because they hate each other.
I realize it would never happen, but it is always good to dream.