ok, so my douchebag prick of a neighbor is having a garage sale tomorrow and i want to turn it into a complete fiasco.
i was thinking of buying a speedo ballbuster and shaving my entire body except for my nuts so that tufts of hair would be jutting out of the banana hammock and just strutting around on my deck with a beer in my hand while the garage sale is going down.
what do you guys think?
any suggestions?
hey snuka, a little help here.....
pretty scary thought me wearing a marble bag and of course, my hockey helmet.
Hmmm...drag your big screen tv out on the deck and watch porn?
Ahhh...got it. Spread manure on your lawn and garden. Make sure it's the raw smelly stuff. If he complains, tell him your getting ready for the Spring growing season and tough shit.
AD that's a great idea but my tv is enormous. it'll be kinda difficult to get it from my finished basement up the stairs and onto the deck. although i do have a nice raunchy hustler dvd that would be perfect for just such a thing.
Fertilize your lawn with cow manure or something else that will fill the air with a most foul odor.
or i could just get a bunch of my friends together and start power drinking at 9 am when the garge sale starts.
imagine that!!! me and a bunch of my retarded friends all drunk and stupid and bothering the shit out of my neighbors while they're trying to pawn crappy stuff that they've picked out of other peoples trash.
Edited By LZMF1 on April 19 2002 at 10:24
lets see - debaucherizing a garage sale?
- Get some lawn sprinklers and point them towards his garage
- start taking your garbage out and pile it up on your property line. when someone looks at it, yell.
- sit out on your front lawn and talk incoherently and loud to yourself while you hold a baseball bat. Bang the bat on the grass for more of an effect.
- Play Barry Manilow's Mandy (or any other suicidal "kill me now" song) over and over and over and over again on a boom box
- Take out a leaf blower and pretend to be taking care of your lawn and blow all the dirt and crap towards his garage
- buy a bag of powdered limestone (available at any home depot or garden store) and write "FUCK OFF" in huge letters on your front lawn. The limestone won't hurt your lawn and will eventually blow away. or you could write "HOMO ----->" and make the arrow point to his house.
- Take sidewalk chalk and write vulgar sexual comments and obscene words on the sidewalk. People always bring kids to these things.
Worst Case PLAN B -
- Invite me, snuka and ladi over. We'll take care of the rest.

Quote:Worst Case PLAN B -
- Invite me, snuka and ladi over. We'll take care of the rest.
Can we have killer margarittas & get drunk and rowdy? :toast:
have your own garage sale, and sell everything cheaper than he does
or, go over to his garage sale and scratch yourself incessantly while you touch everything he's selling.
slit his throat in front of his family and consumers
go in his house, steal your paper back pull down your pants and proceed to shit on his lawn as you read said paper.
Oriental Tading Company
Go here. Order a bunch of cheap stuff like crazy balls, yoyo's, pencils, etc. and sell them real cheap. Steal his customers and make a profit at the same time.
grumpster, i like plan b and wilbur is also invited!
Edited By LZMF1 on April 19 2002 at 10:54
Throw chrushed beer cans & cigarette butts at the property line

mokey: And yell real loud when someone gets closest without going over.
i wish i had a flamethrower or a handgernade.
:roflmao: Flaming bags of dog Poop!
........ or. dig the Bocce ball pit & throw the dirt in the driveway as people shop. Then play, loudly, in your old guinea man t-shirt
Edited By Hey Ladi on April 19 2002 at 11:03
not a bad idea but i know i'd get arrested.
..... as oppsed to not being arrested for using a flamethrower.
Wash the dogs and then accidentally tell the to run over and hug the shoppers. And refuse to go over and get them, just stand by your house & wait for them to come back, occasionally call quietly, so it might look like you gave a crap.
if i had such wonderful tools of destruction they'd (the cops) definitely take me out with a sniper rifle or something. but i most certainly would take some of them with me.
Is it illegal to film porn in your yard? :fucking:
i'll have to get back to you on that one...