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arpi and maynard need to go fuck each other in the park and then die
Quote:bsqj boe nbznbz offe up hp gvdl fbdi puifs jo uif qbsl boe uifo ejf

Arpi and maymay need to go fuck each other in the park and then die.

What's the matter, you guys don't speak Dwarven?
Magus, comment?
Quote:Arpi and maymay need to go fuck each other in the park and then die.
Fbd and Maynard kicks ass at the Cryptogram
This is Fez's manifesto on why his posts are shitty. He's just reminding us of what a complete, flaming dick he really is so that he can be noticed by someone.....anyone. What do I win?
Quote:Fbd and Maynard kicks ass at the Cryptogram
not really, considering arthur dent already used the exact same code:
Quote:April 22 2002,06:43

Thanks CRX. Thought I missed something there. :crackhead:
Confusedtupid: :asshole:
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