It's been a while now since the roster split which gave Raw to Ric Flair and Smackdown to Vince. With the 1st PPV coming up now how are you feeling about the scenario so far?
Personally I am not liking it so far but I see no way out of it. Without any competition he has to compete against himself now. But now with certain stars not being able to have angles together it sucks. My question is if and when HHH loses his title, where does he go? Also having Rock on one show, Austin on another. Having nWo pretty much be a useless entity since Hogan is on another show and they are just not a force anymore. It all just sucks truthfully. Plus this split should have given more second tier wrestlers a shot for bigger matches but so far it's all the same old people.
It's only been a month but they need something huge and I don't see nothing on the horizon short of a huge signing.
I think it blows. With Hogan most likely winning the title one of these days. And the NWO basically not even wrestling. And the matches on both shows really aren't that great. And i think it's time the WWF rethinks the whole hardcore championship.
I think they just need time to sort out the bugs and make things work a little better. I mean come on... what business venture has ever worked right away without some fine tuning.
Why did HHH automatically go to smackdown is what I am not getting?
I think it is because he lost to a wrestler that was drafted to Smackdown. If Hogan loses to Undertaker (god forbid) at Judgement Day, then I assume that Hogan would become the property of Raw.
hogan is still the man :thumbs-up:
jack is right, from what jr said anyway. of course, if you listen to jr, test is a hoss...what the fuck is a hoss?
i think the split is ok, it just needs time to develop...of course the wwf will pull the plug too soon, which it already has allowing hhh on raw cause he lost. fucking stupid shit
The more I think of it, the more I want to adopt Hybrid.
Yes, all must bow down and recognize the legend and grace god for giving us his most perfect creation, which we know as Hulk Hogan.
Just to pose a question... with Triple H jobbing to Hogan at Backlash, does that mean that Jericho didn't want to do the job to Hogan so he did it to Triple H and does that give Jericho more power with McMahon now than Tiple H has?
Gotta love transitional champions.
I am bored shitless with wrestling at this point. I enjoy and look foward to watching Tough Enough 2 thean either prime show. It just seems to be lacking for me. What it is lacking is beyond me but I only have the shows on for background noise for the most part.
I think RAW has been great lately. Good matches...better show. Smackdown has sucked lately. I don't like them burning out the Hogan pop like they are by ascended him as high as possible as soon as possible. Overall...since I was bored to death with them before the split...this has kept my interest. RAW I won't miss. Smackdown, I don't reqally care.
Wwf roster split, how is it going?
It fricking sucks!
Raw is getting boring. It's always Sean Cold and Bradshaw vs. NWO or Sean Cold and someone else vs. NWO, as if that makes up to Sean what Flair did to him. This past week was really gay when the whole leg on the rope thing happened again. Wrestling is going down the shitter again I think.:poopain:
Last time I checked, I am not on the WWFE payroll and really, I never was. I refuse to take blame in the shitty product that they produce week in and week out. It's not my fault it sucks, so, fuck you!:fuckoff:
You think he'll ever realize the mistake he made?
Quote:You think he'll ever realize the mistake he made?
Who Vince or Sean?
Are you a blond or what Pat?

You know what I honestly noticed after tonights RAW?
No one seems to be having fun anymore. What I mean is remember what made wrestling fun for us? Was when you could see them having fun during the shows. Go back to DX they were funny they were always doing either sketches or cutting promos that were fun. The Rock was always fun as well as HHH.
The most fun last year was when Austin was with the alliances and fighting with angle for Vinces love. The cowboy hat, the badge, the singing, the watch, etc.
It's all too serious as of late, Flair is the worst. I loved his first few apperances with the energy and the WOOOOOOO and the wise cracks. The only laugh I had in a while was last smackdown when HHH was at the announce table and was saying "It feels like taker is here" then when Takers music hit he sarcastically said "ohh wow look taker is here" as if he didn't know.
They need to take out some of the tension and put the fun back in, cause if they can't enjoy it.. how can they make us enjoy it?
Quote:They need to take out some of the tension and put the fun back in, cause if they can't enjoy it.. how can they make us enjoy it?
There's a theory in business, and it applies in wrestling, that states that the harder it looks like you try, the less you'll succeed. I think that can be applied to the current, WWE.
Just look at the last few months: signing Hall, Nash, and Hogan...bringing back Hennig, Goldust, Godfather, and Venis...the overhyped return of HHH...brand change (not their fault, but it still happened)...awful overbooking...bad comedy for the sake of having comedy...the list goes on.
It's almost as if, subliminally, they're saying to the fans, "We know we're not as good as we used to be, but we're working on it. Here, you'll like this!" before throwing out another poorly thought out McMahon brainfart. No wonder the ratings are tanking...
I say, they should just go back to basics. Period. Less talk, less hype, less bullshit, and more motherfucking ACTION! And by action, I mean men (and women) wrestling in wrestling matches trying to win said wrestling matches because whether or not you win a wrestling match should have some sort of meaning but unfortuately doesn't these days. If World Wrestling Entertainment can't get the entertainment aspect right, they certainly have the talent to get the wrestlig aspect right. But with 2 minute matches, ref bumps, run-ins, and fake looking brawling tainting the in-ring aspect of the show, you'd never know it.
Sports Entertainment is passe. An idea whose time has past. Yes, there will always be a need for interviews and angles, but there was never a need for skits. Let the interviews and angles frame the competition aspect, do away with the skits and unfunney comedy, put the focus on the wrestlers winning matches for titles, and you'll get a more cohesive, logical, and entertaining product.