Goddamn Cablevision has been batting 1000 this week...
My connection was probably down for a total of 24 hours in the last few days...
I wish I never gave away my goddamn 56k modem.
i had the same problem friday...from about 4/5 PM until 3 PM saturday(maybe earlier...i was out from 11PM-8AM, and slept from 8-3, so it could have turned on then) i had no fucking access to the net.luckily, my old copy of tie fighter was working, so i had something to do{:p}
yet another reason why i luv my DSL.
granted cable is faster than my connection but not by much
unless my phone lines go down i'm connected.
so ummmmmm sluggo, how'd you like them storms we had?
Not if the server goes down you're not...
My cable tv was working...
Quote:I wish I never gave away my goddamn 56k modem.
Dial up is the only way to go.
so is 8 track, right slash? {

Analog captures every sound, digital is cold and hollow. 8 tracks play louder as well.
Mine was only out for a few hours. From about 6, 7ish to 9.
DSL is only as good as the telephone lines INSIDE your house. If you live in a forty year old house with forty year old worn out phone lines, than your DSL connection will suck. If you have a brand new line installed all the way from the main junction box to your DSL box, than you'll have a very good connection.
I live in an old house, therefore, I got a cable modem.
DSL, Cable, Dialup...It doesn't make a bit of difference if the goddamn server is down.
They suck because when I tried to find out if there was any estimate on when it would be fixed...
I had to dial a fucking hundred times just to get through and hear a damn recording...
Customer service scored a zero this time.:fuckoff:
my cable modem was in and out yesterday all day. i would be on then it would disconnect and a few minutes later it would work again. technology just flat out sux. the cable tv, went out friday, but the modem...worked. what the hell?????????
Sluggo is right, my buddy and I use Comcast.net
I always have a connection, its been down maybe 3 times in the past year for a short time. My buddy who lives in the same neighborhood has connection problems all the time. Why? Cause the server they put him on sucks. They think it might be line noise problems and are coming out to check it this week.
Quote:Analog captures every sound, digital is cold and hollow. 8 tracks play louder as well.
True indeed. Nothing sounds better than an old record player.
dent my house is only 6 years old and the DSL lines are brandy spankin new.
if your lines are that old redo them yourself. it aint that difficult. i redid mine after i had my basement finished. it's a piece of cake.
Um I had dsl and it does not compare to optonline. I switched in february. And this the first time I've been down and only for a few hours. Did I mention my consistent 9000 kb download and 1000 kb upload.
Quote:dent my house is only 6 years old and the DSL lines are brandy spankin new.
if your lines are that old redo them yourself. it aint that difficult. i redid mine after i had my basement finished. it's a piece of cake.
Not my house. And if all goes well, I'll be moving not long after I get back to NY.
how about fuck cablevision cause i cant watch yankee games. i hope they all get torn new assholes
you could all live like i live...have no internet connection at home, and only use the computer from work where you have a t1 line...that is always a choice