Full Version: Medieval torture chamber - Finally, my basement lives!!!!1
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Scream some, will you....otherwise Amy will shut us down
:poke: Confusedpits:

Scream like ya mean it or I release Wilbur on ya!!!
Good choice, considering we are chained up to the wall again.
You know you love it.....hehehehe. Oh yeah, next week I'm having spikes installed right where your back touches the wall....can't wait to see who bleeds first :bouncer:
Wooohoooo...I see Master Metal has not been around pretty much all day...... :bouncer:

:Confusedneaks out of the hole in the wall::
Not so fast there speedy......I've hired Wilbur to guard the may want to rethink your escape plans :poke:
Ughhhhh...I never get to have any fun......

<span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>Why must I suffer...why? why? why?????</span>
Why? Purely for my amusement, that's why......and the two bits a month you pay me to play in my basement, that's another good reason :thumbs-up:
Look what I snuck in.....if I am real quiet nobody will even notice. heheheheee
[Image: bedroom.jpg]

Ah...I think I will cozy up & take a nice nap.... Confusedleeper: Confusedleeper: plan is working perfectly....the dementia and hallucinations are already beginning :burnfucker: Open your eyes and remember what this place truly looks like.....

[Image: dungeon.jpg]
I love it here. This place has feuled my desire for the Pen! Thank you Lord Metal! Gaze upon what you have turned me into, a helpless puppet at the mercy of the Pen, a pawn in his sick twisted games of Tea Party. "One lump or two?" takes on a whole new meaing when the hammer is in my hands! :punch:
Oh nooo...Ladi has fallen under the spell of Sir Ken of Pen.....

Confusedmacks Ladi in the kisser:

<span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>WAKE UP, Ladi...don't you know what kind of trouble you are getting yourself into????? Don't fall under the spell of Sir Ken of Pen...he is teh evil one!!!!</span> {:o}
::can't talk with puffy lips::
[zombie voice] .......... must service the pencil of the Pen!!!......... [/z v]
::bumping a bucket of chum over Ladi's head::

damn you woman...come back to your senses....this is the only place you belong, as for Ken...take your thoughts for him and :poopain: IMMEDIATELY Confusedpits:
::wakes up stinking of chum, with a stick...... somewhere::
oooo, did I have fun this weekend? :helpme: Anyone home?
come to me my passionate whore.
:poopain: Hang on, I have to finish this
who wants to torture me?
Hey, who the fuck gave Ken the map to this place....that will result in quick and immediate Confuseduicide: of the violator!!!!

CRX, as the new meat around here, get on the bed of nails, won't you?? :poke: Ladi has gotten too comfortable on it, so I have to shopping for something new for her
okey dokey
I love when the newbies are so willing :burnfucker:
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