This one is for the elitist bastards who need to pick on the outsider since their life revolves around insulting people on a message board so that they can feel better about themselves.
So here we go, dicks. People like me who get out of the house against gaming faggets and actual homos.
Come get some....if your balls haven't shriveled up and dried out from lack of use.
isnt faggot spelled with an o?
If you're talking about a bundle of sticks...yeah. Otherwise, it's with an "e".
I was just outside. It was hailing as I walked back from the gym. I don't live in the tri-state area, so I am also an "outsider". Can I now say that you suck? Though you're still better than Grumpy
I have never seen anyone spell faggot with an "e".
who picks on the outsider?i, for one, pick on the easy target
does gook really have 3 o's? that i didnt know.
Fagget was always spelled with an "e" if you were talking about a showtune loving, limp-wristed, butt-slammer.
And Fudickbagfuck....more proof that you just do it to feel better about your miserable self. Odds are you were the easy target.
By the way...your mom is crying....I'd tell you to go help her out...but you're the reason for her sadness. She prefers not to see her biggest failure.
While we're at it. The sentence structure of that first statement is really poor. In the future, the use of commas is an effective way to distinguish the multiple points in the same statement.
yes, you have got me pegged.i am a failure, and everybody hates me.i only make fun of you to feel good about myself.the internet is the only place where i can feel accepted.i will never make fun of you again, because it is mean and hurtful and makes you cry
Quote:i am a failure, and everybody hates me.i only make fun of you to feel good about myself.the internet is the only place where i can feel accepted.
That would make a good status.
edit: speaking of status, I just realized I lost the ninja and fake news story reference, and got this. I don't pay attention. It must have been like this for two weeks.
Edited By Galt on April 22 2002 at 7:52
Amazing comeback, dick. Use sarcasm to combat my scathing commentary on your miserable homelife and then finish it off with "dumbass" completely separate from the rest of your response. Amazing. If you were any less developed in ability you'd be drooling on yourself and shitting your pants.
Quote:fag·got2 Pronunciation Key (fgt)
n. Offensive Slang
Used as a disparaging term for a homosexual man.
[Perhaps from faggot, variant of fagot, bundle, lump, old woman.]
Quote:No entry found for fagget.
2 suggestions found:
Edited By Danked on April 22 2002 at 7:59
Yeah....faggot is a bundle of sticks......when they "feminized" it for modern slang (I have the dictionary of slang here in front of me actually) they changed the "o" to an "e". It was actually "fagette" for a short time to make it even more feminine.
Why can't you just spell it our way?

I'm just tying to enlighten those who claim to be enlightened, my brother. And why do I feel so hijacked?