04-23-2002, 01:34 AM
04-23-2002, 01:37 AM

04-23-2002, 02:23 AM
If you hate gooks and faggots never go to NYU, it's like a gay Tienemen Square.
04-23-2002, 02:37 AM
Hey.. hate to flare up the original argument, but I just verified, and according to Webster's Dicitonary,
"Fagot" (one g)
Main Entry: 1fag·ot
Variant(s): or fag·got /'fa-g&t/
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English fagot, from Middle French
Date: 14th century
: BUNDLE: as a : a bundle of sticks b : a bundle of pieces of wrought iron to be shaped by rolling or hammering at high temperature
"Faggot" (2 g's)
Main Entry: fag·got
Pronunciation: 'fa-g&t
Function: noun
Etymology: origin unknown
Date: 1914
usually disparaging : a male homosexual
- fag·got·ry /-g&-trE/ noun, usually disparaging
- fag·goty /-g&-tE/ adjective, usually disparaging
"Faget" ( spelled with an e)
-No entries
"Fagget" ( 2 g's)
-No Entries
Considering that I trust Webster's for proper spelling far more than I trust Mc Bourbon, I'd have to conclude that he was, umm.. WRONG, and the others were right.
But the greatest find of all is the fact that "Faggotry" is an actual word... I feel as though JEFFK!!11 has been vindicated.
"Fagot" (one g)
Main Entry: 1fag·ot
Variant(s): or fag·got /'fa-g&t/
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English fagot, from Middle French
Date: 14th century
: BUNDLE: as a : a bundle of sticks b : a bundle of pieces of wrought iron to be shaped by rolling or hammering at high temperature
"Faggot" (2 g's)
Main Entry: fag·got
Pronunciation: 'fa-g&t
Function: noun
Etymology: origin unknown
Date: 1914
usually disparaging : a male homosexual
- fag·got·ry /-g&-trE/ noun, usually disparaging
- fag·goty /-g&-tE/ adjective, usually disparaging
"Faget" ( spelled with an e)
-No entries
"Fagget" ( 2 g's)
-No Entries
Considering that I trust Webster's for proper spelling far more than I trust Mc Bourbon, I'd have to conclude that he was, umm.. WRONG, and the others were right.
But the greatest find of all is the fact that "Faggotry" is an actual word... I feel as though JEFFK!!11 has been vindicated.
04-23-2002, 02:39 AM
I already said all that, so nyah.
04-23-2002, 02:42 AM
Quote:Lord Magus Posted: April 22 2002,10:37
"Fagot" (one g)
Main Entry: 1fag·ot
Variant(s): or fag·got /'fa-g&t/
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English fagot, from Middle French
Date: 14th century
: BUNDLE: as a : a bundle of sticks b : a bundle of pieces of wrought iron to be shaped by rolling or hammering at high temperature
"Faggot" (2 g's)
Main Entry: fag·got
Pronunciation: 'fa-g&t
Function: noun
Etymology: origin unknown
Date: 1914
usually disparaging : a male homosexual
- fag·got·ry /-g&-trE/ noun, usually disparaging
- fag·goty /-g&-tE/ adjective, usually disparaging
"Faget" ( spelled with an e)
-No entries
"Fagget" ( 2 g's)
-No Entries
Quote:DankedPosted: April 22 2002,7:55
fag·got2 Pronunciation Key (fgt)
n. Offensive Slang
Used as a disparaging term for a homosexual man.
[Perhaps from faggot, variant of fagot, bundle, lump, old woman.]
Quote:Danked Posted: April 22 2002,7:58a bit late there, magoo
No entry found for fagget.
2 suggestions found:
04-23-2002, 02:42 AM
Nanny nanny boo boo:roflmao:
04-23-2002, 02:43 AM
Yeah, but you weren't CLEAR on where you were getting it from.
2nd: I was also showing he was incorrect about "Faggot" being a bundle of firewood sticks, that's "Fagot"
Besides... Dictionary checks are mine and Slash's job... don't you know that?
And dammit.. I just wanted to show that that was a fact!
2nd: I was also showing he was incorrect about "Faggot" being a bundle of firewood sticks, that's "Fagot"
Besides... Dictionary checks are mine and Slash's job... don't you know that?
And dammit.. I just wanted to show that that was a fact!
04-23-2002, 02:44 AM
Shut up, you gay faggity fag faggot!!!11
04-23-2002, 02:45 AM
umm..... err..... uhhhh... umm....
and nobody noticed my ulterior motive.....
and nobody noticed my ulterior motive.....
Quote:But the greatest find of all is the fact that "Faggotry" is an actual word... I feel as though JEFFK!!11 has been vindicated.
04-23-2002, 02:46 AM
I thought it was pretty clear I was getting it from a dictionary. {

04-23-2002, 02:47 AM
no, we noticed the motive.we just didnt care
04-23-2002, 02:50 AM
dude.. but see... I could put:
(fub dling frig)
N. Prepubescent message board member known for occasional humor, but generally incomprehensible jokes.
-See also- Hack Comic
And say I was getting that out of a Dictionary...
(ok.. so the truth of the matter is I went through the whole thread to make sure it HADN'T been done, and I was totally not paying attention and missed that, now leave me alone, meanies!)
(fub dling frig)
N. Prepubescent message board member known for occasional humor, but generally incomprehensible jokes.
-See also- Hack Comic
And say I was getting that out of a Dictionary...
(ok.. so the truth of the matter is I went through the whole thread to make sure it HADN'T been done, and I was totally not paying attention and missed that, now leave me alone, meanies!)
04-23-2002, 02:53 AM
Ha! Someone called me a meanie. :roflmao:
04-23-2002, 02:56 AM
Quote:fb*dling*frgyour definition was wrong.i fixed it
<s>(fub dling frig)</s>Not able to be spoken by the human tongue
N. Prepubescent message board member known for <s>occasional</s>incredibly rare, fleeting moments of humor, but generally incomprehensible jokes.
04-23-2002, 02:57 AM
But you love Skwerls...:disappointed:
04-23-2002, 03:01 AM
Quote:But the greatest find of all is the fact that "Faggotry" is an actual word...i too felt a surge of joy when i saw that little definition

oh, and the scary thing: isn't sourmash an english teacher?:fu:
04-23-2002, 03:03 AM
but is it english as in "color"
or English as in "Colour"
or English as in "Colour"
04-23-2002, 03:06 AM
i don't know, but it's a fact :firebounce: :firebounce: :firebounce:
04-23-2002, 03:07 AM
DING!! :bouncer: :bouncer: :firebounce: :firebounce: