Someone had to start this, im shocked no one else has. Im gonna request that whoever gets all the matches right get a cookie.
Jazz vs Trish
Winner: Jazz
Dudleys vs Spike and Tazz
Winners: Dudleys
Edge vs Regal
Winner: Edge
Y2J vs Rock
Winner: Y2J
Vince vs Flair
Winner: Flair (with help from David Flair)
Royal Rumble match
Winner: Undertaker, but i want Kurt to win it.
Jazz vs Trish
Winner: the ugly lookin Chyna replacement...Jazz
Dudleys vs Spike and Tazz
Winners: Dudleys, interference by Billy Gunn & Chuck Polumbo
Edge vs Regal
Winner: Regal
Y2J vs Rock
Winner: Y2J, with surprise interference
Vince vs Flair
Winner: Vince, with interefernce from Arn Anderson
Royal Rumble match
Winner: Austin
Edited By Gooch on Jan. 19 2002 at 12:02
Jazz vs Trish.
I am going with trish on this one, she will use her new cast in the win.
The Dudleys vs Spike and Tazz
Yeah, the 3d should steamroll through this one.
Edge vs Regal
Edge via Knockout
Y2J vs Rock
too much hype, gotta go with Y2J
Vince vs Ric Flair
Vince due to some kind of Jobber saving his ass
The Rumble
i'm just posting to have my name appear next to every forum... carry on :fuggin:
Jazz vs Trish
Winner: Trish
Dudleys vs Spike and Tazz
Winners: Dudleys
Edge vs Regal
Winner: Regal
Y2J vs Rock
Winner: Y2J
Vince vs Flair
Winner: Vince
Royal Rumble match
Winner: HHH
Jazz vs Trish
Winner: Trish
Dudleys vs Spike and Tazz
Winners: Spike and Tazz
Edge vs Regal
Winner: Edge
Y2J vs Rock
Winner: Y2J
Vince vs Flair
Winner: Flair
Royal Rumble match
Winner: HHH and Austin (Simultaneously, Setting up either a triple threat or a fatal fourway at WrestleMania between austin, hhh, y2j and rock.)
Edited By Austin on Jan. 19 2002 at 9:02
Jazz vs Trish
Winner: Jazz will beat the shit out of Trish, hopefully take some of her clothes off
Dudleys vs Spike and Tazz
Winners: Spike and Tazz....I'm so glad they gave them the titles in the first place. Too bad we won't see a good ole Dudley beating like in the ECW days- like putting Spike through flaming tables
Edge vs Regal
Winner: Regal...who I wish would just go back to being a commisioner
Y2J vs Rock
Winner:'s about fucking time, although I don't think he'll win cleanly, maybe RVD will interfere
Vince vs Flair
Winner: Flair, setting up tomorrow's split
Royal Rumble match
Winner: HHH...but I like your set-up Austin, even though I wish Wrestlemania would be one on one
Jazz vs Trish
Winner: Jazz. Trish doesn't have a chance in hell of winning.
Dudleys vs Spike and Tazz
Winners: Dudleys. This will set up a feud between the two teams.
Edge vs Regal
Winner: Regal. He always seems to win matches that he really shouldn't.
Y2J vs Rock
Winner: Y2J. The Rock will get screwed yet again out of a match by outside interference.
Vince vs Flair
Winner: Vince. Stephanie will help him win the match.
Royal Rumble match
Winner: HHH. His return has been hyped so much that he has to get a title shot.
I picked every single match wrong, except the big one. The really hard one to pick. I picked HHH to win the royal rumble. But, did he really win it? Maven never got eliminated. Things that make you go hmmmmm.....
spit cheated!! she cheated i tell you!!
and maynard don't feel bad, picking the winners and posting it on the net, just means that the wwf read this site, and didn't want you to look to smart, so they changed the outcome of some matches!
Skitchr4u Wrote:spit cheated!! she cheated i tell you!!
and maynard don't feel bad, picking the winners and posting it on the net, just means that the wwf read this site, and didn't want you to look to smart, so they changed the outcome of some matches!
You know, I think you're right.
Spitfire you have some talent there. If you keep getting matches right like that I'm gonna start betting on whatever you say.
:burnfucker: I have no reason for putting this here other than it looks cool.
Shit! All my football picks and wrestling picks in 1 weekend!
Best PPV I've seen in a while, I actually enjoyed most of the matches for once. They actually let Tazz be Taz

the Rumble was everything I thought it would be, except for Taker be eliminated by Maven (Holy Shit!)
(BTW, Maven did get eliminated, Taker threw him over the top of the rope before dragging him up the stairs)