we plot and plan together all day. we laughed and teased all day. then you turn around and betray me. you jumped at the first chance to stab me in the back. the karmic wheel will turn and you will get yours, i assure you, you will get yours.
If I apologize now does that make up for it?
not you, tool. ceerist, you are worse than alkie
Wheres my knife so I can stab you repeatedly?
Oh no...who now???? {:o}

Quote:Oh no...who now????
funny you should ask
Quote:Who? Me?
[snotty voice] yes, you [/snottyvoice]
Can I be on your hate list? Please, Please, oh pretty please?
What did I do...besides refuse your fig newtons?
you know perfectly well what you did
You shocked me with that electro-gadget!!!! And you say I'm evil....BAHHHHHHHH!!!!
you are a turn-coat. you are as trust-worthy as grumpy in a cookie-dough factory
You was jerkin' my chain, bub!
Don't you just love extremely vague threads.
then so be it.if after all we have been through this is what you want. fine. we are no more! all communication between us will stop and i will dedicate my life to making yours a living hell!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh Good Grief!!!
I cast Yopu upon you.....
Yopu from the East...........
Yopu from the West............
Yopu from the North................
Yopu from the South..................
Now shut your cotton-picking mouth!!!!
Edited By LunaBabe on April 23 2002 at 9:14
Luna AIMed:
LunaBabeOA: <span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>I'M SO SORRY</span>
LunaBabeOA: <span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>PLEASE FORGIVE ME.....PLEASE......I BEG OF YOU</span>
i am teh winner
Edited By Arpikarhu on April 23 2002 at 9:20
Yeah.. you tell that bastard... don't make me break out superturd to save the day.
It's not big enough, Arpi..........
I didn't say it like that at all.....