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A few months ago he was the next great president on the verge of disproving every critic. But has George Bush really done anything? I mean bringing down the Taliban, hmmm. We pretty much tried to make face with the fact we couldn't control a bunch of refugees who did most of the work for us in advancing. We still have not found Bin Laden and that seems to have been swept under the rug. Not much has trully changed, honestly in my opinion. It's almost as if it has just faded from the public eye of what happened 7 short months ago, this was gonna be a "long and hard war that may take many years to fight. Yet CNN is spending their days talking about the "Priesthood in jeopardy".

Bush is just one of those presidents we do not hear or see, is that a good thing?
Well, while the American media maybe 100% focused on pedophile priests, Brit news has been covering Bush's "inconsistent" stance on the Middle East, PM Blair's close relationship with Bush, the actions of British Royal Marines in taking over a large part of the Afghan ground war, etc.

The US war on terror has moved into a phase of training locals to effectively fight terrorists. Right now, a major focus is in the Philipines where we've been training the locals to fight the Muslim seperatists who want an independant Philipino-Muslim state in the southern Philipines and have been taking hostages, including US citizens. I beleive there was a major rescue operation recently that retrieved several hostages. Even here it is being downplayed.

A major focus of the news here has been the perception that Blair traded Bush's condemnation of Isreal and support of the Palestinians for the UK's support of any action against Iraq.

Also an article on CNN about how the Bush administration and several of the states settled out of court with Microsoft in what is being described as a "sweetheart deal".

Quote:Bush is just one of those presidents we do not hear or see, is that a good thing?
Nope, we need to see and hear what this guy is up to.
i wish i twc would pick up bbc america :disappointed:
Quote:i wish i twc would pick up bbc america
Then you'd get the hours of coverage of the French presidential elections and LePenn, the "fascist" and "racist" who won i the primary. A lot of people liked his slogan "2 million unemployed means 2 million too many immigrants."

I get BBC America in Queens. Changing Rooms, Monty Python, Father Ted, all that good stuff.

Also seen some coverage of two more Bin Ladin tapes, but no proof of when they were made. And one detainee saying Bin Ladin was injured early in the bombing campaign and ordered his luitenants to disperse and they all went seperate ways.
Quote:I get BBC America in Queens
bastard!!! what channel is it? i have standard service...

i'm seriously starting to wonder if i should give up and go home. i love it here, but really, is it worth staying? my green card's up for renewal in september....
I had to upgrade to digital cable to get it, along with MTV2, 3 HBO's, 5 Showtimes, and all that good stuff. I think it's in the 40's somewhere. Not being home in a while, I've forgotten.

Hmmm...US vs. UK...sounds like an entire topic of it's own.
I get BBC America on DirecTV too along with 6000 other channels.

:roflmao: :firebounce: :roflmao: :firebounce: :roflmao:
I've been less than impressed with his performance. We have no idea where the war is headed just that it will last long enough for him to get elected again. We don't know what's going on in Afghanistan, if a new regime is being set up, or what has happened to the rest of Al Queda. Coverage of our war recently has been pretty much lack. But then again what can you do, American attention span is short, I bet a lot of people have forgotten where in the middle of a war.

As for Bush goes, he's the type of President who best serves us showing kids in kindergarten picture books more so than planning wars.