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I found this pretty interesting. Thought May Day was about Spring, circuses, and parades. Turns out it's anti-capitalism, anti-government, pro-anarchy propoganda.

Of course, I'll probably check out the demonstration by the prostitutes union. Wink

::Can't understand why the link button isn't working.::

Edited By Arthur Dent on April 24 2002 at 05:30
what's wrong with the link button?to me mayday was always the day that really marked the beginning of spring and where we watched people hold ribbons and run around a pole til it was all pretty and shit.
OH JOY!! You love me, you really love me. {Big Grin} A whole day just for me? Well thanks Dent, I will honeor and cherish this gesture. :bouncer: :bouncer:
Quote:Thought May Day was about Spring, circuses, and parades
You're just jealous that nobody starts threads about you. :punch:
Quote:You're just jealous that nobody starts threads about you
i hate to tell you this,i know it will come as a shock, but this is not about you. sorry i had to be the one to tell you but its true. why dont you go get some water? i will wait here.
Quote:why dont you go get some water?
So now I'm Gunga MayMay? Go get your own water you freak!
i meant for you to help calm you down after what must have been a shock. its mayday , not maynerd day. sorry bud
Quote:The following text has been reproduced from the Wombles website, so thanks to our furry friends for allowing us to use it:

Here are some tips on preparing yourself for a "white overalls" or other similar civil disobedience action. The idea is to help individuals defend themselves from assault by the agents of the state.

Even if you do not wish to wear a white overall and have no intention of getting into any sort of confrontation, it is still advisable to wear some sort of light padding; even if it's just a few layers of extra clothing or some cotton wool.

The use of padding on demonstrations first started with the Suffragettes, who got sick of getting broken ribs from police truncheons, and began to make their own padding out of cotton wool and cardboard.

Remember: the cops are trained to hurt people. Whenever you hear that two hundred people have been injured on a demonstration, you can safely assume they were not hurt by tripping up and grazing their knees.

This may all sound quite scary, but it is better to be prepared for the depredations of the constabulary than to run around with head wounds.

Think: if we are not intimidated and if we are not injured, attacks will become self-defeating.
We will be able to go home knowing that we have done the right thing: will they?


Buddies: People are most vulnerable to assault and arrest when they are on their own: having at least one friend with you will mean they can watch your back while you watch their's - a "Buddies" pair.

We strongly recommend that people coming to a mass action are not on their own: find a friend who will come with you AND THEN NEVER LET THEM OUT OF YOUR SIGHT!

Groups of "buddies" - consisting of 16 to 30 people - come together to form Affinity Groups. Collections of these groups can then combine to form a much larger bloc. Movement communications between and within affinity groups is vital; if there are agreed movement signals, make sure everyone knows what to look out for.

To make each affinity group self-sufficient it is a good idea for AT LEAST one person to have some simple first aid training (preparations for large actions often include practical first aid advice sessions, plus see Medical section). Anyone with existing health problems should seriously consider letting other members of the affinity group know of any special considerations in treatment that might apply.

Health: Water Water Water!

Regardless of the weather conditions, being a Womble is a very hot business, so you must bring as much water as you can carry. Do not rely on helpful shopkeepers remaining open. You will need AT LEAST TWO LITRES. Drink plenty of fresh water before the action begins.
People with medical training should make themselves known to the wider group at the earliest opportunity. Possible injuries include injuries from baton strikes to the head, face and upper body, crush injuries from police vans running over people, or from horse charges.
Gas is unlikely to be used though some cops may have pepper spray or very small amounts of CS gas. See the Medical section for more health tips >>>


At secret training bases cops are instructed in how to cause maximum damage to an individual: smashing them repeatedly about the head and upper body with a two-foot long steel bar. This - not surprisingly - can be a somewhat painful experience.

The only rational response to such tactics is to wear some form of protective headgear. The best option is a motorcycle crash helmet from £10), but these can restrict your field of vision. On the positive side, they offer all-round protection for your head and face. On the down side, they are almost impossible to smoke in!

Builder's helmets (£4-£8 each, from DIY stores) are effective for direct head strikes but offer little protection to the side of the head, the face or your neck. Also, this type of helmet has no chin strap so they can be easy to dislodge or lose. But, while not perfect, they are better than nothing.

If you use one, remove the plastic frame inside it and replace it with some bubble wrap (2-3cm thick). You can then wrap tape around the top and around under your chin to make a chin strap. Don't make it too tight otherwise you won't be able to get it off again.

Bicycle helmets cost from £10 each, and offer better protection than builder's helmets and have the added advantage of having a strap to hold it on. Again, little face or neck protection but they are a good compromise solution.


As all good Wombles should already know, the idea is to make good use of the things that everyday people leave behind. This includes old sofas, mattresses, bubble wrap and cardboard.

For the body: take one sofa cushion and remove any external covering. Use a knife or scissors to cut the cushion in half down the centre of the thin end, so that you have two pieces to form a front and back. Then cut a semi-circle out of the top of each piece to create a space for your head to go through.

Use strong electrical tape to bind the two pieces together with as much overlap as possible to create double-thickness sections for your shoulders.

The body piece can then be worn either within the white overall or over the top. If you wear it over the top you will need some rope or string to tie it around your body securely.


People have been injured by being kicked or batoned across the shins. You could use cricket pads for your legs, or football shin pads, both available from sports shops. Hockey or American football gear works just as well, but is expensive. Skateboard protection (especially elbow, knee and wrist pieces) have been proven useful too. Knee pads can also be bought from DIY shops.

Arm pieces can be made from bubble wrap, cushion foam and cardboard. Fold the card over a couple of times to make triple-ply sheet (about 50cm long x 20cm wide). Take a piece of cushion foam (about 20cm wide x 50cm long x 5cm deep) and tape the card sheet to it. Make sure that the cardboard is on the outside so that it will disperse the pressure from a blow.

Wind the bubble wrap around your arm and the cushion/card to create sleeve; wrap tape around a few times to make it secure - not too tight as you will need to get it off at some point. The same approach can be used for making padding for your legs.


Plastic or light aluminium dustbin lids are really good if you can find them, though you may need to do some work to make a comfortable strap to attach it to your arm.

If you can afford it / find it, perspex sheeting is among the best for making both medium and tall "tower" shields. It is tough, lightweight and transparent so you can see what is going on in front of you (or you could paint it / attach posters or banners to the front). Shields can also be made from alternating sheets of thick cardboard and plywood, glued, bolted or taped tightly to create a lightweight barrier.

In all cases, securing it to your arm is the most important issue. You normally need at least one strap to hold the shield in place (just below the elbow), with another located as a hand grip so that you can control its movement. You mant to pack extra padding between the straps and the shield for added protection.

The attachment of the handles/straps has to be completely secure: its a good idea to test the designs as you proceed to make sure the shield does it job. The positioning of the straps will depend on whether you wear the shield on your left or right arm.

Alternatively, think inflatable: rubber dinghies have been used by Ya Basta before (use loads of clingfilm to bind six or seven of them lengthways so that you have a wide group shield).
(See Milan photo below)

Inner tubes: ask local garages / car workshops if they have any spare car wheel inner tubes. They usually cost (as second-hand) only 50p at most, and so a few of these taped to a bit of stiff board (or layered cardboard) can make an effective lightweight shield. Lorry inner tubes make good, large defensive barriers, but can cost up to £20 each new (maybe try scrap metal merchants or car-breakers' yards for supplies).

Edited By Arthur Dent on April 24 2002 at 11:37
that was just too much to read. can't we just say its about maynard and leave it at that?
Quote:that was just too much to read. can't we just say its about maynard and leave it at that?

Just read the stuff in Bold if your lazy. Rolleyes
Arthur Dent,
Shame on you!!!!
Everyone knows Wombles are good hearted, ecologically sound, furry little creatures.

OH yeah, they sing happy songs too.
Quote:Everyone knows Wombles are good hearted, ecologically sound, furry little creatures.
But are they allied with Yopu?
Underground Overground Wombling Free
The Wombles of Wimbledon Common Are We,
Making good use of the things that we find
Things that the everyday folks leave behind.......

(they battle Yopu and all he stands for)
What the......? It's May Day and it's not even May, yet?

I thought today was Secretaries Day????? What's up wif dat? :clueless:

Quote:(they battle Yopu and all he stands for)

You better sleep with your eyes wide open tonight, Ken....'Cuz the Yopu is gonna get you!!!!

Edited By LunaBabe on April 24 2002 at 12:38
I thought it was arbor day,
Looked at your sig now I am sporting wood.
Then it must be Native American day....'cuz you gotta a teepee in your pants.
Well then, I will take you out for dinner,
should be easy to get a Reservation.
Quote:I thought today was Secretaries Day????? What's up wif dat?
Mine will find out at lunch. :roflmao:
Quote:Well then, I will take you out for dinner,
should be easy to get a Reservation.

Uhhhh...I dunno 'bout that...I am of the Yopu Clan. Confusedneak:
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