was poped up with pope-ien. ok...I think I'm really reaching now...
You should try coffee made from a-rabbi-ca beans.
I love French host and coffee in the morning.
Did Juan V-Allah-dez pick them there coffee beans?
It's im-pope-sible to read this thread and not laugh. I laughed so hard I almost poped a nut. No wonder this thread is so pope-ular. Allah you guys and ladies have great imaginations.:clueless:
why i should pope you one right in the nose ziggy for not getting here ealier
This is all so confuscious-ing. <Font color=white>Now that's stretching</font>
Anybody want a glass of orange zeus?
lordy lord hes depopeate
do what he say do what he say
I'll be back...I just have to go Jehovah there now for a bit
Does anybody here have a wiccan basket?
Yes, but you may not coven it!
has it crossed your mind that maybe we have taken this too far
And yet we still eucharist in this.
all we are trying to do is promote religious homily dammit!!!
Don't make me lector you on tolerance.
moses supposes his toses are roses but moses supposed eroniously
but moses he knowses his toses arent roses
as moses supposes his toses to be
Where are we and what am I doing in this handbasket?
I think I'm druid with this for today. Work days over for me. See you all mahna-nia! <font color=white>damn, can't remember the correct spelling for mana, or is it mahna, or mhana, or whatever?</font>
I jusatanice roastbeef sammich.