Full Version: Congress...and muppets...and disgust
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So I'm looking at yahoo news for another cut and paste story and I come across this...a slide show of Elmo, the muppet testifying on Capitol Hill in favor of Music Education.

Elmo and Congress. ELMO AT CONGRESS. I'm not the biggest fan or ... truster of the government but shouldn't they at least put on an air of professionalism and seriousness, not have FUCKING MUPPETS. Congress Should Not Be Cutesy. Elmo should be used to make children distracted, clap and joyful and cheerful, not Congressman! Even if you're not important, even if you're just figureheads for big business, the least we should expect is that you can expect like grown men, not clapping when a piece of felt puts on a song and dance for you.
Does this mean casual Fridays are out on The Hill now too?

Edited By McBourbon on April 24 2002 at 8:37
Emo rules!!!!
Quote:Emo rules!!!!
psst...he said eLmo, not emo
we all knew somebody would say it...
I didn't even read his post.
emo stinks.
nuh uh
uh huh

i'd listen to the elmo song over emo anyday. that song rocks
Snufalufagus blew the doors off the Enron scandal.
keyser, your band should cover the elmo song. \m/
We actually do that and "C is for Cookie" with socks over our cocks.
if you covered the counting song i would so be there.
I'll throw in "The Counting Song" and raise you a "Its Not Easy Being Green"
what about rubber ducky?
Quote:what about rubber ducky?
The German Techno Rubber ducky ruled.